
An implementation of dilation/erosion using (anisotropic) flux corrected transport schemes and different integrators

Primary LanguageC


Copyright Peter Urban 2010-2013

An implementation of dilation/erosion using (anisotropic) flux corrected transport schemes and different integrators.


* Preconfigured for boost-build
  type "bjam

Transport Schemes:

* Rouy and Tourin (--method rt)
* Osher and Sethian (--method os)
* Flux Corrected Transpor (--method fct)

Supported structuring elements:

* adaptive structuring elements (--program adaptive_se)
  aligns structure element along image edges

* se rotation

  * no rotation (--rotation none)
  * fixed angle (--rotation fixed ANGLE)
  * auto rotation (--rotation auto SIGMA SIGMA_PRE)

* available norms:

  * circle  (--norm circle equivalent to --norm p 2)
  * diamond (--norm diamond equivalent to --norm p 1" but faster)
  * custom p-norm (--norm p VALUE)
  * elliptic norm (--norm elliptic X Y)

Supported integrators:

* Heun integration (runge kutta)
* euler integration