
Add device frames to screenshots

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

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Add device frames to mobile screenshots


  1. You need imagemagick
brew install imagemagick
  1. Download device images for example from Apple:
curl https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/design/resources/download/Bezel-iPhone-14.dmg
  1. Unpack the .dmg, find the file you want to use and set the name/path in the script


Grab screenshots

Grab a screenshot with iOS Simulator and drag/copy the image to the same folder as the script. The script will work for as many screenshots as you have in this folder.

Grab a screenshot with iOS Simulator

Run the script

Create a transparent PNG

bash add-device-frames.sh png 0 0

Create a JPG with 1600/100 px x/y offset and a lightgrey background

bash add-device-frames.sh jpg 1600 100 lightgrey


Arguments avaliable:

  • $1: file type - jpg or png
  • $2: offset width - ex 60
  • $3: offset height - ex 60
  • $4: background color - ex white


View the example.html file to se an example

open example.html

Example images

JPG with an offset and a lightgrey background color.

Transparent PNG


  • The script will batch all screenshots in the current folder, adjust the filename glob in L33 to your needs and options L20-23.
  • This example has been tested with an iPhone device frame at the moment, more adjustments could be needed/added for it to work on more devices.