
A local developer environment for building your cross-chain dapps.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Axelar Local Development Environment

This environment allows you to set up a local instances of the Axelar Gateways, instantiate your application-level executor contracts on the source/destination chains, and simulate message relaying between them.


npm install axelarnetwork/axelar-local-dev


See axelar-examples repo for example use of this local development environment.

Simple use

The following script shows a simple example of how to use this module to create two test blockchains and send some UST from one to the other.

import { createNetwork, relay } from "@axelar-network/axelar-local-dev";

async function main() {
  // create eth network
  const eth = await createNetwork({
    name: "Ethereum",
  // deploy eth token
  await eth.deployToken("USDC", "aUSDC", 6, BigInt(100_000e6));

  // create avalanche network
  const avalanche = await createNetwork({
    name: "Avalanche",
  // deploy avalanche token
  await avalanche.deployToken("USDC", "aUSDC", 6, BigInt(100_000e6));

  // extract user accounts
  const [ethUserWallet] = eth.userWallets;
  const [avalancheUserWallet] = avalanche.userWallets;

  // mint tokens on source chain
  await eth.giveToken(ethUserWallet.address, "aUSDC", BigInt(100e6));

  // extract token contracts
  const usdcEthContract = await eth.getTokenContract("aUSDC");
  const usdcAvalancheContract = await avalanche.getTokenContract("aUSDC");

  // approve gateway to use token on source chain
  const ethApproveTx = await usdcEthContract
    .approve(eth.gateway.address, 100e6);
  await ethApproveTx.wait();

  // ask gateway on source chain to send tokens to destination chain
  const ethGatewayTx = await eth.gateway
    .sendToken(avalanche.name, avalancheUserWallet.address, "aUSDC", 100e6);
  await ethGatewayTx.wait();

  // relay transactions
  await relay();

    (await usdcEthContract.balanceOf(ethUserWallet.address)) / 1e6,
    (await usdcAvalancheContract.balanceOf(avalancheUserWallet.address)) / 1e6,


Simply run node <path to the above script> to test it. Additional examples are present in the examples directory and can be run with:

node node_modules/@axelar-network/axelar-local-dev/examples/<example_dir>/<file_name>.js


This module exports the following types:

  • CreateLocalOptions: Options to setup multiple local chains using createAndExport (see below). All are optional.
    • chainOutputPath: A path to save a json file with all the information for the chains that are setup.
    • accountsToFund: A list of addresses to fund.
    • fundAmount: A string representing the amount of ether to fund accounts with. Defaults to 100 ETH.
    • chains: A list with all of the chain names (also determines the number of created networks). Defaults to ["Moonbeam", "Avalanche", "Fantom", "Ethereum", "Polygon"].
    • relayInterval?: amount of time between relay of events in miliseconds. Defaults to 2000.
    • port: Port to listen to. Defaults to 8500.
    • afterRelay: A function (relayData: RelayData) => void which will be called after each relay. Mainly to be used for debugging.
    • callback: A function (network: Network, info: any) => Promise<null> that will be called right after setting up each network. Use this to setup additional features, like deploying contracts that already exist on testnet/mainnet.
  • CloneLocalOptions: An extension of CreateLocalOptions that also includes:
    • env: a string whose value is either mainnet or testnet, or an array of ChainCloneData.
    • chains: These now act as a filter for which chains to fork. Defaults to all the chains.
    • networkInfo: The NetworkInfo (see below) which overwrites the default parameters.
  • Network: This object type is used to handle most functionality within the module. It has the following properties:
    • name: The name of the network.
    • chainId: The chainId of the network.
    • provider: The ethers.Provider for the network.
    • userWallets: A list of funded ethers.Wallet objects.
    • gateway: An ethers.Contract object corresponding to the Axelar Gateway on the network.
    • gasReceiver: An ethers.Contract object corresponding to the AxelarGasReceiver that receives gas for remote execution. It expects gas between the same two relay()s to funtion properly.
    • ownerWallet, operatorWallet, relayerWallet, adminWallets threshold lastRelayedBlock: These are for configuring the gateway and relaying.
    • deployToken(name, symbol, decimals, cap): Deploys a new token on the network. For a token to be supported properly it needs to be deployed on all created networks.
    • getTokenContract(sybmol): Returns an ethers.Contract linked to the ERC20 token represented by symbol.
    • giveToken(address, symbol, amount): Gives amount of symbol token to address.
    • getInfo(): Returns an object with all the information about the Network.
    • relay(): This method is either equivalent to calling the local instance of this module's relay() (see below) or, for remote networks, the host's instance of relay().
  • NetworkOptions This type is used as an input to create networks and can include the following. All are optional.
    • ganacheOptions: Additional options to be passed into require(ganache).provider.
    • dbPath: Where to save/find the db for a network already created. Will not save unless specified.
    • port: Which port to listen to for this network. Will not listen to any port unless specified.
    • name: The name of the network. Defaults to Chain {n} where n is the index of the network.
    • chainId: The chainId of the network, defaults to n.
    • seed: A seed that determines the addresses of funded accounts and contract addresses.
  • ChainCloneData: Data needed to for a network. mainnetInfo and testnetInfo can both be used as ChainCloneData.
    • name: Name of the network to create. gateway: The (preexisting) address of the gateway. rpc: A url to an RPC to connect to the chain to fork. chainId: The chain id, as a Number. gasService: The (preexisting) address of the gasService. constAddressDeployer: The (preexisting) address of the constAddressDeployer.; tokenName: The name of the native token on this chain. tokenSymbol: The symbol of the native token on this chain. tokens: An object with all the registered axelar tokens
  • NetworkSetup: This type is used as an input to setup networks and can include the following. All but ownerKey are optional.
    • name: The name of the network. Defaults to Chain {n} where n is the index of the network.
    • chainId: The chainId of the network, defaults to n.
    • ownerKey: A funded ethers.Wallet that will be used for deployments.
    • userKeys: A list funded ethers.Wallet.
    • operatorKey, relayerKey, adminKeys, threshold: Optional info for gateway setup.
  • NetworkInfo: Information of a chain, used to get an already setup network. They can be obtained by getInfo() for any existing network.
    • name: The name of the network. Defaults to Chain {n} where n is the index of the network.
    • chainId: The chainId of the network, defaults to n.
    • userKeys: The user private keys.
    • ownerKey: The owner private key.
    • operatorKey: The operator private key.
    • relayerKey: The relayer private key.
    • adminKeys: The admin private key.
    • threshold: The threshold of signers on the gateway.
    • lastRelayedBlock: The last block that events were replayed up to.
    • gatewayAddress: The address of the Axelar gateway.
    • usdcAddress: The address of USDC.
    • gasReceiverAddress: The address of the gasService contract.
    • constAddressDeployerAddress: The address of the constAddressDeployer contract.

The following is exported by this module.

  • createAndExport(CreateLocalOptions): Creates and sets up a number of networks, and listens for RPC for all of them on a single port.
  • forkAndExport(CloneLocalOptions): Like the above but forks either mainnet or testnet. Takes longer and spams RPCs so only use if you need something else deployed.
  • createNetwork(NetworkOptions): Creates a new Network.
  • getNetwork(urlOrProvider, NetworkInfo=null): Return Network hosted elsewhere into this instance.
  • setupNetwork(urlOrProvider, NetworkSetup): Deploy the gateway and USDC Token on a remote blockchain and return the corresponding Network. The only value that is required in NetworkSetup is ownerKey which is a wallet of a funded account.
  • listen(port, callback = null): This will serve all the created networks on port port. Each network is served at /i where i is the index of the network in networks (the first network created is at /0 and so on).
  • getAllNetworks(url): This will retreive all the networks served by listen called from a different instance.
  • relay(): A function that passes all the messages to all the gateways and calls the appropriate IAxelarExecutable contracts.
  • getDepostiAddress(sourceNetwork, destinationNetwork, destinationAddress, symbol): This function generates a deposit address on network1 that will route any funds of type symbol deposited there (minus some fee) to the destinationAddress in network2.
  • getFee(sourceNetwork, destinationNetwork, symbol): returns the fee for transferring funds. Is set to a constant 1,000,000.
  • getGasPrice(sourceNetwork, destinationNetwork, tokenOnSource): returns the gas price to execute on destinationChain, to be payed in sourceChain in token specified by tokenOnSource (which is given as an address). tokenOnSource=AddressZero corresponds to the native token of the source chain. It always returns 1 but may change in the future.
  • stop(network): Destroys the network and removes it from the list of tracked networks.
  • stopAll(): Stops all tracked networks.
  • networks: A list of all the Networks in this instance.

Smart Contracts

To use the Networks created you need to interact with the deployed AxelarGateway contract. You can send remote contract calls to the contracts implementing the IAxelarExecutable interface.


This contract exposes three functions to use:

  • sendToken(string destinationChain, string destinationAddress, string symbol, uint256 amount): The destinationChain has to match the network name for the token to reach its destination after relaying. The destinationAddress is the human-readable version of the address, prefixed with 0x. This is a string instead of an address because in the real world you can send token to non-evm chains that have other address formats as well. tokenSymbol has to match one of the tokens that are deployed in the network, by default just UST but additional tokens can be added (see deployToken under Network).
  • callContract(string destinationChain, string contractDestinationAddress, bytes payload): See above for destinationChain and contractDestinationAddress. payload is the information passed to the contract on the destination chain. Use abi.encode to produce payloads.
  • callContractWithToken(string destinationChain, string contractDestinationAddress, bytes payload, string symbol, uint256 amount): This is a combination of the above two functions, but the token has to arrive at the contract that is executing.


This interface is to be implemented for a contract to be able to receive remote contract calls. There are two functions that can be overriden, but depending on the use you may only choose to override one of them only.

  • _execute(string memory sourceChain, string memory sourceAddress, bytes calldata payload): This will automatically be called when Axelar relays all messages. sourceChain and sourceAddress can be used to validate who is making the contract call, and payload can be decoded with abi.decode to produce any data needed.
  • _executeWithToken(string memory sourceChain, string memory sourceAddress, bytes calldata payload, string memory symbol, uinst256 amount): This is the same as above but it is guaranteed to have also received amount token specified by symbol. You can use _getTokenAddress(symbol) to obtain the address of the ERC20 token received.


This contract is automatically deployed and can be used to pay gas for the destination contract execution on the source chain. Smart contracts calling callContract and callContractWithToken should also handle paying for gas. It exposes many functions, but the main ones are

  • receiveGas(string destinationChain, string destinationAddress, bytes payload, address gasToken, uint256 gasAmount): Receives gasAmount of gasToken to execute the contract call specified. The execution will use a gasLimit of gasAmount / getGasPrice(...) (see above for getGasPrice).
  • receiveGasNative(string destinationChain, string destinationAddress, bytes payload): As above with the native token as the gasToken and msg.value as the gasAmount.
  • receiveGasWithToken(string destinationChain, string destinationAddress, bytes payload, string symbol, uint256 amountThrough, address gasToken, uint256 gasAmount), receiveGasNtiveWithToken(string destinationChain, string destinationAddress, bytes payload, string symbol, uint256 amountThrough): Similar to the above functions but they are for callContractWithToken instead of callContract.
  • ReceiveGas(Native)AndCallRemote(WithToken)(...): There are four such functions that will also pass the call to the gateway after receiving gas, for convenience.


We also support a local develompent environment for aptos cross chain communication. This only supports general message passing. AptosNetwork is a generalization of AptosClient (avaliable in the aptos package) that includes (among others that are mainly used for intrnal purposes):

  • getResourceAccountAddress(MaybeHexString sourceAddress, MaybeHexString seed): Predicts the aptos resource address for an account with a certain seed.
  • deploy(string modulePath , string[] compiledModules, MaybeHexString seed): Deploy compiledModules found in modulePath. Seed is optional, if it is included then the modules are deployed as a resource.
  • submitTransactionAndWait(MaybeHexString from, EntryFunctionPayload txData): A wrapper for aptos' submit transaction workflow, for ease of use.

Additionaly we export two utility functions

  • createAptosNetwork(config?: {nodeUrl: string, faucetUrl: string}): This funds the owner account and uses it to deploy the gateway module. nodeUrl defaults to http://localhost:8080 and faucetUrl defaults to http://localhost:8081
  • loadAptosNetwork(string nodeUrl): This loads the an preconfigured AptosNetwork. It is useful so that relaying works properly to said aptos network works properly.

createAndExport (see above) will try to also call createAptosNetwork so that realying works to aptos as well.


We support a local development enviroment for near cross chain communication. Currently we only support general message passing using NEAR and EVM (Aptos support is not implemented).

NEAR local development enviroment is based on near-workspaces-js and NearNetwork is an extension of Worker (available in near-workspaces-js package). NearNetwork includes everything that Worker has and some additional funcionalities:

  • createAccountAndDeployContract(accountId: string, contractWasmPath: string, nearAmount = 200): Allows user to quickly create a new NEAR account with a specified amount of NEAR (default - 200 NEAR) and deploy contract to it.

  • callContract(account: NearAccount, contract: NearAccount, method: string, args: any, amount = 0): This method needs to be used to do any contract calls, it takes the account that will call the contract, contract that we want to call, method that we want to call, args and amount of NEAR that we wish to attach to the call.

  • stopNetwork(): Needs to be called at the end of the script, so it stops the near-sandbox process which is a local mini-NEAR blockchain.

Additionaly we export a utility function:

  • createNearNetwork(config?: Config): Creates an instance of NearNetwork and starts the near-sandbox process. It can take a Config object as described in near-workspaces-js.