AlgoSMS SDK is the official JavaScript implementation of ARC-0015 - Algorand Standard for Encrypted Short Messages.
$ npm install algosms
This package provides TypeScript types, but you will need TypeScript version 4.2 or higher to use them properly.
import algosdk from 'algosdk';
import {
} from 'algosms';
const addrRcpt = 'FCN6PO...6ACYXM';
const accSender = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey('empty ... logic');
const msg:ALGOSMSV0_MESSAGE = {
msg: 'A new standard definition is waiting for your comment.',
from: 'ChainSMS ARCs department',
uri: '',
meta: JSON.stringify({ Algorand: 'rocks!' }),
ref: 'ARC-0015',
(async () => {
/* encrypt the msg, sign and send it over the network */
/* keep in mind the account has to have at least (10+1) times the network fee worth of Algos */
const txnId = await sendAlgoSMS(client, msg, accRcpt.addr, accSender);
})().catch(e => {
import algosdk from 'algosdk';
import { unsealMessageFromNote } from 'algosms';
//instantiate the account of recipient
const accRcpt = algosdk.mnemonicToSecretKey('flash ... today');;
/* get the TXN with encrypted note from indexer */
const txn = await indexerClient.lookupTransactionByID(SmsTXID).do();
/* convert base64 to bytes */
const note = Buffer.from(txn.transaction.note, 'base64');
const senderAddr = txn.transaction.sender;
/* decrypt the note with recipient secret key */
const msg = unsealMessageFromNote(note, senderAddr, accRcpt);
SDK contains offnet.ts and onnet.ts examples.
To build a new version of the library, run:
yarn build
algosms is licensed under an MIT license.