

In this project we built some forms, both using nearly-pure HTML and then graduating to using the helper methods that Rails provides.

About The Project

This project consist on a Ruby on Rails server that includes Controls, Views and Models to create an User with 3 parametters: Username, Email and Password. These parametters are validated through the Model, and the user can create new users and update existing users using the url http://localhost:3000/users/new and http://localhost:3000/user/{id}/edit/

Built With

This progam was made using this technologies

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

Prerequisite Instalations

  • Ruby
  • Rails You can easily install Ruby on your Linux computer by using Homebrew and Chruby
brew install chruby
brew install ruby-install
ruby-install ruby

After that make sure to install rails simply by writting gem install rails on the console. Check that rails was installed by writting rails -v and you should get an output similar to Rails 4.2.4 with your rails version.


Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/uryelah/Microverse-505-re-former.git Then intall the required gems with bundle install followed by bundle update

Migrate the database to your machine with rails db:migrate

You can test the API in the rails console. Access it with rails console


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Project Link: Micro Reddit
