This is an events site project, similar to Eventbrite, done with ruby on rails which allows users to create events, send invites to their hosted or attending events and confirm their presence for the events they were invited to.
- Sign up and log in to access the events, invites and users routes.
- Create an event and send invites to other users
- Receive and accept an invite to an event to be able to attend it and send invites for it
- Cancel your attendance to an event to destroy your invitation
- An event invite cannot be sent to its creator
- A user cannot send an invite to an event held past the current time
From the Odin Project: You want to build a site similar to a private Eventbrite which allows users to create events and then manage user signups. Users can create events and send invitations and parties (sound familiar?). Events take place at a specific date and at a location (which you can just store as a string, like “Andy’s House”).
A user can create events. A user can attend many events. An event can be attended by many users. This will require you to model many-to-many relationships and also to be very conscious about your foreign keys and class names (hint: you won’t be able to just rely on Rails’ defaults like you have before).
This progam was made using this technologies
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
brew install chruby
brew install ruby-install
ruby-install ruby
After that make sure to install rails simply by writting gem install rails
on the console.
Check that rails was installed by writting rails -v
and you should get an output similar to Rails 4.2.4
with your rails version.
Clone this repo git clone
Then intall the required gems with bundle install
followed by bundle update
Migrate the database to your machine with rails db:migrate
You can test the API in the rails console. Access it with rails console
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Project Link: Private Events