
A Phaser3 game with stored score data with Leaderboard API service and original assets that let users play as a tentacle sea creature and shoot/squeeze divers. Built with Phaser3.

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The humans are coming, protect the seabed.
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This project was about making a shooter game, similar to space asteroids, using the Phaser3 Javascript game engine.

In this project, I implemented a game with projectiles coming both from and towards the player, player sprite movement, enemy 'downward' movement, and collisions, with an oceanic theme.

Project requirements here.

Repository: https://github.com/uryelah/from-the-depths

About The Game

From the depths consists of a shooter game with the twist that it happens under the sea instead of the in space.

You control an ancient, squid-like, sea creature that has their domains invaded by humans, much to its demise.

The game's object is to get points from eliminating the humans and its machines, while keeping your hp, or health points, above zero.

All the art feature in this game is original if not indicated otherwise at the Attributions section.


  • Shoot stuff!
  • Eat fish!
  • Squeeze humans slowly to their death!
  • Battle a submarine!
  • Wiggle a tentacle around
  • Check if your score at the top of the LeaderBoard!

How to play

Product Name Screen Shot

This game is completely controlled with your mouse or touchpad.

To start, choose your name, it will be used to save your score at the end.

Move your mouse and your character tentacle will follow it.

Click to shoot bubbles at humans and their submarines.

Click and hold to squeeze humans to death or to eat fish and get more hp.

Click and hold while moving your cursor, for less time, to carry a human around.

Avoid human projectiles or carry a dumb human to use as your shield, good for a maximum of two shots.

Avoid the submarine ray attacks.

The game starts very slow but gets harder and harder with time, so good luck staying alive ;-)



What a handsome sea creature! Sure it has only one tentacle, but hey, no one is perfect.

You start with 200 hp and loses if reaching 0 or lower hp.

Your hp auto increments by 0.05 points by game frame when you are idle for more than 0.3 seconds.

Dumb humans

How there them to invade and destroy your home, look at their dumb little legs.

They cause damage if you let them go to the bottom of the screen. Can be squeezed and shot. These are so dumb that they can be used as meat-shields to protect you from knives. Has low hp.

This basic enemy has between 1 and 2 hp and it takes 1 or 2 bubble attacks to kill it or 1 tentacle squeeze attack.

This enemy only decrements the player hp by 1 point when it reaches the bottom of the screen.

Armed dumb humans

Look at that, didn't their mother tell them to not play with knives?

They do the same things the regular humans do plus shooting and running away from you. Has a higher hp.

This enemy has 3 hp and it takes 3 bubble attacks to kill it or 1 tentacle squeeze attack.

Its projectiles move toward the direction the player tentacle was upon them being shot and they take 0.5 hp from the player status. It also decrements the player hp by 1 point upon reaching the bottom of the screen.

If you approach this enemy too close it will reset their projectile shooting time out to zero, shooting with more frequency, and get away from the player tentacle. In the process, it will take 0.25 points of damage though.


Maybe there are humans inside? Maybe it's controlled remotely. Who cares though, it's invading YOUR PROPERTY! Has very high hp.

Shootable but not squeezable, too much metal. Be aware when it reaches the middle of the screen, it likes to shoot anti-sea-creature rays there.

This enemy decrements the player hp by 10 points when it reaches the bottom of the screen, 5 points if squeezed by the player or 0.025 points by frame of the game if the player is caught under its ray at the center of the screen.


Looks at this cute and pure creature, so happy and well in its little life. We must protect it, but also eat it because the HP won't replenish itself, not fast enough at least.

They taste like 2-day-old burger king fries.

It increments the player hp by 1 point when squeezed.


This game consists of four scenes:

  • The Main Menu scene This scene takes you to the Leader Board scene and the Main Game scene.

  • The Main Game scene In this scene you can play the actual game and it takes you to the Game Over scene if your hp drops to 0 points.

  • The Game Over scene This scene appears on losing the Game and has a button to refresh the page and play again.

  • The Leader Board scene This scene is accessed from the Main Menu and has a link back to it. It shows the top 15 scores recorded in the API.

Future Features

  • Player vs Player mode

  • Levels

  • Long and short effect buffs


If you want to...

Play the game online

Simply access this link and enjoy the game!

Install the game locally

  1. Make sure you have node installed in your local environment.

  2. Download or clone this repository

  3. Navigate to the game root directory in your terminal

  4. Install the required packages:

npm i
  1. Start the game in your browser:
npm run start

Built With

This project was built mainly with Phaser 3, a HTML5 game framework, and the assorted tools and languages bellow:

Available Commands

Command Description
npm install Install project dependencies
npm start Build project and open web server running project
npm run build Builds code bundle with production settings (minification, uglification, etc..)


Sarah Chamorro - @your_twitter - sarahchamorro@gmail.com

Project Link: https://github.com/your_username/repo_name



This project was only possible thanks to the cretors bellow:

RAPIDPUNCHES - Vaquita tileset

Jay - 4-Color Assortment

POKOMOKO - Animated Ocean Water Tile


👤 Sarah Uryelah Silva Chamorro