
A mobile-first SPA Rails and React web-app for remote meetups that let users create, favorite, and browse a catalog of meetings and groups. The API was built with Rails and the client with React and Redux.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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A simple online groups meetup webapp
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This project is a Meetup-like site for online-only meetings.

About The App

This project is a SPA remote groups and meetups application with a Rails API and React client. An user can create a meetup group, schedule the frequency of the meetings, and the attendee limit per meeting. They can also browse all the groups, favorite them, and choose to join a group and, upon approval, join a meeting.


  • Client-side routing

  • Rails API

  • Favorites page

  • Token-based authentication and athorizations

Future Features

  • Admin dashboard

  • Zoom integration

  • O-Auth integration for login and signup


This app is accessible with mouse and/or touch control.

API Routes

Route Verb Description
/meets GET Index of Meetups
/meets POST Cretion of new Meetup
/meets/:meet_id GET View Meetup by id
/meets/:meet_id PUT Edit Meetup
/meets/:meet_id DELETE Delete Meetup
/meets/:meet_id/meetings GET Index of Meetings from a Meetup
/meets/:meet_id/meetings POST Cretion of Meetup Meeting
/meets/:meet_id/meetings PUT Edit Meetup Meeting
/meets/:meet_id/meetings DELETE Delete Meetup Meeting
/user_meets POST Creation of new favorited Meetup relation by an User
/user_meets/meets/:user_id GET Index of Meetups favorited by User
/user_meets/meets/:meet_id GET Index of Users that favorited a Meetup
/auth/login POST Authentication of existing User
/auth/signup POST Creation of new User
/users GET Index of Users
/users/:id GET Show spedific User by id

Client Routes

Route Description
/ Landing Page
/sign_up User Signup
/sign_in User Login
/list List of Meetups
/details/:id Details of Meetup
/search/:term Search page of Meetups
/favorites List of Favorited Meetups
/messages Chat (Not working)


Run the app folder in the port 3000, and api server on port 3001.

For a better review experience run db:seeds beforehand.

Built With

This project was built using these technologies.

  • React
  • Rails
  • Redux
  • CSS3


👤 Sarah Uryelah Silva Chamorro



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