
Befit is a fitness tracking application that uses Next.js and Tailwind CSS for the front-end and Python FastAPI for the back-end. It allows users to track their fitness goals, monitor their progress, meditation and view workout history. With a sleek and intuitive interface,Befit is perfect for those looking to take control of their fitness journey.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


◦ Befit is a fitness tracking application built using Next.js and Tailwind CSS for the front-end and Python FastAPI for the back-end. It allows users to track their fitness goals, monitor their progress, meditation and view workout history. With a sleek and intuitive interface, Befit is perfect for those looking to take control of their fitness journey.

◦ Developed with the software and tools below.

SVG Chart.js JavaScript PostCSS Autoprefixer React ESLint SemVer Python TypeScript Ajv Pytest FastAPI Markdown JSON

GitHub license git-last-commit GitHub commit activity GitHub top language

📖 Table of Contents

📍 Overview

HTTPStatus Exception: 429

📦 Features

HTTPStatus Exception: 429

📂 Repository Structure

└── befit-fullstack/
    ├── .eslintrc.json
    ├── .gitignore
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── README.md
    ├── components/
    │   ├── DeleteModal.jsx
    │   ├── EditModal.jsx
    │   ├── FAQ.jsx
    │   └── Navbar.jsx
    ├── data/
    │   └── workouts.json
    ├── lib/
    │   └── sortData.js
    ├── next-env.d.ts
    ├── next.config.js
    ├── package.json
    ├── pages/
    │   ├── 404.jsx
    │   ├── _app.jsx
    │   ├── dashboard.jsx
    │   ├── index.jsx
    │   ├── log/
    │   ├── login.jsx
    │   ├── meditation.jsx
    │   ├── progress.jsx
    │   ├── register.jsx
    │   ├── search/
    │   ├── stats.jsx
    │   ├── workout/
    │   └── workouts.jsx
    ├── postcss.config.js
    ├── public/
    │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   ├── music1.mp3
    │   ├── music2.mp3
    │   ├── music3.mp3
    │   ├── music4.mp3
    │   ├── progress.svg
    │   ├── stats.svg
    │   ├── vercel.svg
    │   └── workout.svg
    ├── server/
    │   ├── README.rst
    │   ├── api/
    │   ├── poetry.lock
    │   ├── pyproject.toml
    │   └── tests/
    ├── styles/
    │   └── globals.css
    ├── tailwind.config.js
    ├── tsconfig.json
    ├── types/
    │   └── cookie.d.ts
    └── yarn.lock

⚙️ Modules

File Summary
next-env.d.ts Exception:
yarn.lock HTTPStatus Exception: 429
tailwind.config.js The code in the tailwind.config.js file sets the content of the project and extends the theme. It specifies the files to be considered for Tailwind CSS styles and allows for customization by extending the theme. No additional plugins are included.
next.config.js The code in the next.config.js file sets the configuration options for the Next.js application. In this case, it enables React strict mode, which helps identify potential issues during development.
postcss.config.js HTTPStatus Exception: 429
File Summary
pyproject.toml HTTPStatus Exception: 429
README.rst HTTPStatus Exception: 429
File Summary
db.py HTTPStatus Exception: 429
api.py HTTPStatus Exception: 429
track.py HTTPStatus Exception: 429
requirements.txt HTTPStatus Exception: 429
auth.py HTTPStatus Exception: 429
models.py HTTPStatus Exception: 429
File Summary
cookie.d.ts HTTPStatus Exception: 429
File Summary
globals.css HTTPStatus Exception: 429
File Summary
DeleteModal.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
Navbar.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
FAQ.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
EditModal.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
File Summary
login.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
_app.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
index.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
register.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
meditation.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
404.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
workouts.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
stats.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
progress.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
dashboard.jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
File Summary
[lid].jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
File Summary
[query].jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
File Summary
[wid].jsx HTTPStatus Exception: 429
File Summary
sortData.js HTTPStatus Exception: 429

🚀 Getting Started


Please ensure you have the following dependencies installed on your system:

- ℹ️ Dependency 1

- ℹ️ Dependency 2

- ℹ️ ...

🔧 Installation

  1. Clone the befit-fullstack repository:
git clone https://github.com/usUpal/befit-fullstack
  1. Change to the project directory:
cd befit-fullstack
  1. Install the dependencies:
npm install

🤖 Running befit-fullstack

node app.js

🧪 Tests

npm test

🛣 Roadmap

  • ℹ️ Task 1: Implement X
  • ℹ️ Task 2: Implement Y
  • ℹ️ ...

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are always welcome! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the project repository. This creates a copy of the project on your account that you can modify without affecting the original project.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine using a Git client like Git or GitHub Desktop.
  3. Create a new branch with a descriptive name (e.g., new-feature-branch or bugfix-issue-123).
git checkout -b new-feature-branch
  1. Make changes to the project's codebase.
  2. Commit your changes to your local branch with a clear commit message that explains the changes you've made.
git commit -m 'Implemented new feature.'
  1. Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub using the following command
git push origin new-feature-branch
  1. Create a new pull request to the original project repository. In the pull request, describe the changes you've made and why they're necessary. The project maintainers will review your changes and provide feedback or merge them into the main branch.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the ℹ️ LICENSE-TYPE License. See the LICENSE-Type file for additional info.

👏 Acknowledgments

- ℹ️ List any resources, contributors, inspiration, etc.

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