Student Results Management System

This is a simple Student Results Management System built using React and Tailwind CSS. It allows administrators to manage student information and exam results.


  • Register and login as an administrator
  • Add, edit, and remove student records
  • Add exam results for students
  • Search for and display student exam results


Check out the live demo of the application: Live Demo


  • Node.js (at least version 12.x)
  • NPM (Node Package Manager)

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd student-results-management
  2. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the Development Server:

    npm run dev
  4. Login as an Administrator:

    • Username: usama
    • Password: 123
  5. Add Students and Exam Results:

    • Log in with the provided admin credentials.
    • Navigate to the dashboard.
    • Add student records and exam results.
  6. Search for Student Results:

    • Use the provided search form on the main page.
    • Enter the roll number of the student.
    • Click the "Search" button to view the student's exam results.

Project Structure

  • public/: Contains static assets and HTML template.
  • src/:
    • components/: React components.
    • pages/: Top-level page components.
    • hooks/: Custom hooks.
    • context/: Global context and reducers.
    • util/: Utilities for protection or other purposes.
    • app.jsx: Main application component.
    • main.jsx: Entry point.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues and pull requests.


This project is in the public domain. No rights reserved.