
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project Title Pixel-Smash

Team Members

David Baker, Kelvin Mundi, George Rincon

Project Description

A fun HTML5 multiplayer game that lets players battle it out. This utilizes the following resources:

  • Phaser.CE (Game engine)
  • Node.js & Express
  • Sockets.io
  • MySQL

Rough Breakdown of Tasks

⦁ Create the different states that the game needs for functionality.

⦁ Build battle mechanics.

⦁ Create pixel art & characters for game-play.

⦁ Create game soundtracks.

⦁ Modify the front-end to have a polished UI utilizing a framework.

⦁ Define character stats and implement the API.

⦁ Define and test the database to save character information and a leaderboard.


⦁ a = punch ⦁ s = kick ⦁ d = special ⦁ x = jump ⦁ z = dodge

⦁ z + leftArrow = dodge left ⦁ z + rightArrow = dodge right

⦁ upArrow + d = air recovery

⦁ x + (a or s) = air attacks

⦁ Rapidly click 'a' for combos!

⦁ Press 'a' five times + d, to send your opponent flying!