
movie app (web) practice by ReactJS (course of lecture)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

movie app with React JS

React 학습의 목적으로 링크의 강좌를 따라가며 만들어봅니다.

ReactJS로 웹 서비스 만들기

  1. Orientation ✔
  2. What are we building ✔
  3. Introduction to Create React App ✔
  4. Hello World with React and CRA ✔
  5. Creation React Components with JSX ✔
  6. Data flow with Props ✔
  7. List with .map ✔
  8. Validation Props with Prop Types ✔
  9. Component Lifecycle ✔
  10. Thinking in React Component State ✔
  11. Practicing this setState ✔
  12. Loading states ✔
  13. Smart vs Dumb Components ✔
  14. AJAX on React ✔
  15. Promises ✔
  16. Async Await ✔
  17. Updating Movie : Component ✔
  18. CSS for Movie ✔
  19. Building for Production ✔
  20. The END!

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