Candhi REST API With Golang and MySQL

This REST API provides data and service needed in candhi app.

Installation ⚠️

Golang 🐁

For the initial installation, please make sure you have go installed in your computer.

To check if Golang is installed :

go version

install Candi REST API to your machine 🚀

To install Candi REST API to your machine, first download / clone this git repository.

go to your favorite terminal, then run this command to install all dependencies to your machine

go mod tidy

Usage 🧨

To run Candhi REST API, run this command and make sure the port that needed is still available in your machine and your IP is registered to the MySQL connection instance in the Google Cloud Platform ☁️

go run main.go

if the application is running correctly you will see this similar message in your terminal log

Koneksi Berhasil !
Start Development server on port :3000

API Endpoint Lists served in the cloud 🐝

These are API endpoints available categorized by its table in database

Trivia Prefix Group 📜

Get all trivias, METHOD = GET

Create Trivia, METHOD = POST

Update Trivia, METHOD = PUT{id}/update

Delete Trivia, METHOD = DELETE{id}/delete

Candi Prefix Group 🕍

Get all Candi, METHOD = GET

Create Candi, METHOD = POST

Update Candi, METHOD = PUT{id}/update

Delete Candi, METHOD = DELETE{id}/delete

Article Prefix Group 🗞

Get all Article, METHOD = GET

Get all Article by category, METHOD = GET{category}

Create Article, METHOD = POST

Update Article, METHOD = PUT{id}/update

Delete Article, METHOD = DELETE{id}/delete

Contributing 👼🏿

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Disclaimer 🧟‍♀️

Made by cloud-computing team Faqqih and Ayi