- Place the Contents of the 'Managed' Directory into the Game 'CM3D2(x86|x64)_Data\Managed' Directory
- Place the Contents of the 'ReiPatcher' Directory into the ReiPatcher 'Patches' Directory Not the Root Directory! The Patches Directory!
- Place the Contents of the 'UnityInjector' Directory into the 'UnityInjector' Directory at the root of the Game Directory, alongside the Game Exe and Data Directory
- Add the Reference Assemblies to the "References" Directory (using symbolic links, or by copying the files):
- UnityEngine.dll (From Either Unity or CM3D2)
- Assembly-CSharp.dll (From CM3D2)
- UnityInjector.dll
- ExIni.dll
- If Changes were made to the Plugin Configuration T4 Template, Save it so your IDE Regenerates it.
- Compile via your IDE or by executing "Build.bat" in the project root
Default Keybinds:
Key | Function A | Function B |
LeftAlt | Modifier | |
KeypadDivide | Toggle Fine Tune | |
KeyPadPeriod | Cycle Eye to Camera Modes | |
Numpad4 | Move Left | Orbit Left |
Numpad6 | Move Right | Orbit Right |
Numpad8 | Move Forward | Orbit Up |
Numpad2 | Move Backward | Orbit Down |
Numpad1 | Move Down | Roll Left |
Numpad3 | Move Up | Roll Right |
NumpadPlus | Fov Decrease (Zoom In) | Orbit Distance Increase |
NumpadMinus | Fov Increase (Zoom Out) | Orbit Distance Decrease |
Numpad5 | Reset Translation | Reset Rotation |
NumpadMultiply | Reset FOV | |
Keypad0 | ScreenShot | ScreenShot (No UI) |
Change Keybinds and Rotation/Movement Speed in in the Configuration File "UnityInjector\Config\CameraControlExPlugin.ini"