
Laravel ecommerce website with Vuejs | Tailwindcss | Inertiajs

Primary LanguageVue

E-commerce application built with Laravel, Vue.js, Tailwind.css and Inertia.js with Stripe Payment


Make sure you have environment setup properly. You will need MySQL, PHP8.1, Node.js and composer.

Install Laravel Website + API

  1. Download the project (or clone using GIT)
  2. Copy .env.example into .env and configure database credentials
  3. Navigate to the project's root directory using terminal
  4. Run composer install
  5. Set the encryption key by executing php artisan key:generate
  6. Run migrations php artisan migrate --seed
  7. Run data seeder to test php artisan db:seed AdminSeeder and and other db seeder files you can find under database/seeders
  8. Start local server by executing php artisan serve
  9. Open new terminal and navigate to the project root directory Run npm install
  10. Run npm run dev to start vite server for Laravel frontend
  11. For Stripe Api key, please go to .env file and replace with your api key for this variable STRIPE_KEY="REPLACE WITH YOUR STRIP API KEY HERE"