
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


silverspoon is for the developers who wants to start Rails5 app. With the very basic requirements likes devise, admin panel, bootstrap4 and many more. It provides the basic integration of gems which is essential to starts the development of an application. like:- Devise authentication, Bootstrap4, active admin, exception notifier, letter opener, meta request, invite the users from admin panel.

In this application i implement the STI for the app users. Patron is my parent model with common devise modules.

  • Admin: As name suggest admin controls the application, rather creating the users from admin panel sends the invitations to join the app.
  • User: application users with invitable, registerable and confirmable devise modules.

This Rails 5 ( app integrated:

  • Devise - for authentication.

  • Active Admin - for controlling the content of site through admin panel.

  • Devise invitable - for inviting the user from the admin panel to join the application.

  • Bootstrap4 - for look and feel of application with glyphicons.

  • letter opener - for view the content of email in the browser itself.

  • exception_notification - for sending the exception email to recipients in production mode.

  • Flash messages display.

  • meta_request- for development (for google chrome rails panel)

  • .gitignore for rails app.

Development environment:

  • Ruby version (2.3.0).

  • Rails 5 (

  • Mysql (you can change it :) )


  1. Do git checkout followed by git archive by
$ git archive master | tar -x -C /somewhere/else
  1. cd into that directory.
  2. I am using mysql database for development. if you are using any other update your Gemfile for corresponding database adapter.
  3. Update database configurations in database.yml.
bundle install
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails s

Admin Panel admin panel

normal application default

Live Demo

  1. For Users Heroku.

  2. For Admins HerokuAdminUrl

Credentials to login as admin

Email: admin@example.com
Password: Welcome@123