Pinned Repositories
Developed a fully decentralized smart contract based Voting Web App (DApp) where all the casted votes will remain transparent. Admin can add/remove nominations and voters accounts while voters can vote to their specific choice.The backend of Voting DApp is written in Solidity and frontend in REACT JS.
Developed a decentralized Bidding System in Solidity. Product owner can add his products and bidder can bid on the current amount of that product. The owner of the product can then accept any bid and that product will become the property of the accepted bidder in exchange of the bid amount.
A Social Music player Android Application that provides the user with an elegant music player along with an option to update status online or share a song within his friend circle (Room)
Auto Scaling and Load Balancing of a Flask Web App by creating docker images for that app and configuring HAproxy to balance between those images. A pyhton script continuously monitors the cpu load and utilizes the requests by adding or removing docker images and updating the HAProxy config file
Created & launched an EC2 instance for a web application on AWS and also automated the process of creating AWS resources (VPC, Subnets, Security Groups, Autoscaling Group, Load Balancer, etc) and then deploying the application using Terraform.
Created a basic cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin) from scratch in GoLang having functions such as Inserting Block, Verifying blockchain, Listing all blocks, Mining Block etc.
An Android App that facilitates the user to search any activity or event inside different videos and direct the user to the desired searched result. The searching task is performed on video frames using different Deep Learning (ResNet, 3D-CNN, RNN, LSTM) methods and heavy processing on video is done on Cloud(AWS).
usamasarwar188's Repositories
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