
Primary LanguagePython

API DEMO endpoint


  • Saves events without preliminary defining endpoint/subscription, just type something /sub/bla-bla-bla when creating subscription. If that endpoint doesn't exit, it will be created with fist received event. Endpoint will return list of all received events.
  • Captures event body + header (json)
  • Event in the subscription/endpoint can be addressed directly by correlation_id, /sub/demo/1f9c21f6-9b9b-414d-83d0-0365022052c5
  • Performs concur signature validation, result (valid|invalid|not present) is captured and saved along with event and headers
  • Client certificate (in this case webhook certificate) is captured in headers: certificate name, certificate number, certificate expiry days.
  • [require apache] Two levels of proxy security http://secure.concuress.com - client certificate required (enforced), http://www.concuress.com - client certificate optional, browser friendly. Same same DB behind those two gate
  • No endpoint auto-purge (like requestbin), events will be kept until you send DEL /sub/bla-bla-bla
  • Can be installed locally (docker) for testing purposes (HTTP), http://localhost:5000
  • for POST|PUT you can specify params ?code=404&prob=75 that will return 404 with probability of 75%


docker-compose up -d


Method Resource Description Params
GET /sub/ List of buckets
POST, PUT /sub/{name} Saves event into {name} bucket ?code=400&prob=70
GET /sub/{name} Lists events from {name} bucket
GET /sub/{name}/{event} Returns record with id {event} from from {name} bucket
DEL /sub/{name} Deletes {name} bucket