
Workspace for Airflow training, inlcuding docker and docker compose

Primary LanguagePython

Codespaces Airflow training environment

This repository contains the code for the Airflow training environment.

Getting started

1) Create a new codespaces instance:

  • Click on the green button "code"
  • Select " ... " to prompt more options
  • Select "+ New with Options"


2) Configure your codespaces instance:

  • Select a 4-core machine
  • Click on "Create Codespace" image

3) Wait for the codespaces instance to be created:

4) Once the codespaces instance is created, you will be redirected to the VSCode codespaces environment.

This will be your workspace for the rest of this training


5) Check you have enough memory allocated to your codespaces instance:

  • In the terminal (ctrl + ` ) check you have more than 4GB of allocated memory:
docker run --rm "debian:bullseye-slim" bash -c 'numfmt --to iec $(echo $(($(getconf _PHYS_PAGES) * $(getconf PAGE_SIZE))))'

An no, 3.9 is not enough. If you see 3.9 means that you did not selected the right machine in step 2.

6) Run database migrations (ONLY RUN ONCE)

You need to run database migrations and create the first user account. It is all defined in the docker compose file so just run:

   docker compose up airflow-init

7) Now you can start all services:

    docker compose up

this will make Airflow available at: http://localhost:8080

8) Login to Airflow
