
This is an e-commerce website backend (like: https://www.nanotek.lk/) powered completely with NodeJS as runtime, MongoDB as the database and GrapahQL for api querying.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a e-commerce website backend (like: https://www.nanotek.lk/) powered completely with NodeJS as runtime, MongoDB as the database and GrpahQL for api querying.

Should include features like:

product listings, shopping cart functionality, user reviews, product blog, chat application and order processing.

File structure:

  • src: This directory contains all the source code for the project.

  • config: Contains configuration files.

  • database.js: Handles database connection setup, using a MongoDB client library like Mongoose.

  • controllers: Contains the controllers responsible for handling business logic and interactions with the database.

  • models: Defines the Mongoose models that represent the data structures in the MongoDB database.

  • resolvers: Contains the GraphQL resolver functions that handle the GraphQL queries and mutations.

  • schemas: Defines the GraphQL schemas using the GraphQL schema definition language (SDL).

  • utils: Contains utility functions or modules that can be used across the project.

  • server.js: The entry point of the application that sets up the Express.js server, GraphQL middleware, and starts the server.

  • .env: Configuration file where you can store environment variables, such as database connection details or API keys.

  • package.json: Configuration file for npm dependencies and scripts.