
Framework to build linked spatio-temporal data from vectorized evolutionary topographic map archives

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Linked Maps

A framework for automatic conversion of vector data - extracted from USGS historical topographic map archives - into linked and publishable spatio-temporal data as RDF. The resulting knowledge graphs can be easily queried and visualized to understand the changes of features in specific regions over time.

The process runs in three steps which can be executed separately (see the following sections):

  1. Automatic geometric feature partitioning
  2. Geo entity-linking
  3. Modeling the data into RDF (constructing the knowledge graph)

Additionally, we provide a dockerfile and instructions on how to run the full pipeline automatically using Docker, and provide a front-end flask application to allow running queries - over a defined SPARQL endpoint - and visualizing their results.

This is the implementation accompanying the paper Building Linked Spatio-Temporal Data from Vectorized Historical Maps published in the 17th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2020).

Preparing to run the program

The environment framework we use is anaconda, then you should do the following:

  1. Create a new environment from scratch with the python3.7:
    conda create -n linkedmaps python=3.7
  2. Activate the environment:
    conda activate linkedmaps
  3. Install GDAL:
    conda install -c conda-forge gdal
  4. Install PostgreSQL with PostGIS and then:
    4.1. Create the database in which the segmentation operations will run
    4.2. Create the PostGIS extension on that database: CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
  5. Install the requirements.txt file using pip:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Automatic geometric feature partitioning

The first task in our pipeline is the creation of geometric building-blocks that can represent the various geographic features (e.g., railway, wetland) across different map editions of the same region. We use PostgreSQL (with PostGIS extension and integration using python) to accomplish this task. The following script takes a directory holding a collection of vector data as shapefiles and a simple configuration file as input, and produces a collection of jl (JSON Lines) files capturing the data and metadata of the partitioned segments.

First, make sure that:

  • Your configuration file (config.json) is correct (set the database access attributes accordingly, and the geometry type: MULTILINESTRING or MULTIPOLYGON).
  • The name of each shapefile in your "maps" directory matches the temporal extent of the map edition it represents (the year it was published).

How to run:

python main.py -d <path_to_shapefiles>
               -c <path_to_config_file>
               -o <path_to_output_file>

For example:

python main.py -d data/railroads/ca/ -c config.json -r -o /tmp/line_seg.jl

will produce the files: /tmp/line_seg.geom.jl (geometry), /tmp/line_seg.seg.jl (segments) and /tmp/line_seg.rel.jl (relations).

Geo entity-linking

In this task we link the extracted building-blocks from the processed historical maps to additional knowledge bases on the web (a task of geo entity-linking/matching). We utilize a reverse-geocoding service to map the resulting segments to instances on OpenStreetMap. The following script takes a "geometry" jl file as input, and produces an additional jl file holding the URIs of the distant instances we captured.

How to run:

python linked_maps_to_osm.py -g <path_to_geometry_file>
                             -f <desired_feature>

For example:

python linked_maps_to_osm.py -g /tmp/line_seg.geom.jl -f railway

will produce the file /tmp/line_seg.geom.osm.jl

Modeling the data into RDF

Now we need to construct the final knowledge graph by generating RDF triples following a predefined semantic model that builds on GeoSPARQL and using the data we generated in the previous steps. We utilize the RDFLib library to accomplish this task. The following script takes all the jl files we generated earlier as input and produces a ttl file encoding our final RDF data.

How to run:

python generate_graph.py -g <path_to_geometry_file>
                         -s <path_to_segments_file>
                         -r <path_to_relations_file>
                         -l <path_to_osm_uris_file>
                         -o <path_to_output_file>

For example:

python generate_graph.py -g /tmp/line_seg.geom.jl -s /tmp/line_seg.seg.jl -r /tmp/line_seg.rel.jl -l /tmp/line_seg.geom.osm.jl -o /tmp/linked_maps.maps.ttl

will produce the file /tmp/linked_maps.maps.ttl

Run the whole pipeline using Docker

Docker allows an isolated OS-level virtualization and thus a completely separate environment in which you can run the whole process without performing any additional installations on your machine.

Option 1

Building the image manually:

docker build -t shbita/uscisi_linkedmaps .

Option 2

Pull the image from Docker-Hub:

docker pull shbita/uscisi_linkedmaps

Running the container

Prior to running the Docker container, the map shapefiles (*.shp, *.shx) should be inserted in a local directory (host) that should be virtually mapped to /linked-maps/maps on the container. The output files and the generated ttl file will be dumped to the same directory. As in:

docker run -v <hostmachine_volume>:/linked-maps/maps shbita/uscisi_linkedmaps:latest

For example:

docker run -v /tmp/maps:/linked-maps/maps -it shbita/uscisi_linkedmaps:latest

Make sure that:

  1. The volume you are using (on your local machine) has 'File Sharing' enabled in the Docker settings
  2. You are using full paths (on both the local machine and the docker container)
  3. The user running the docker command has access privlege (can be done by sudo chmod 777 <hostmachine_volume>)

Querying and visualizing your data

Our front-end allows querying and visualizing your linked-maps-style RDF data. We use the flask module for the front-end and utilize Google-Maps' API to visualize the geo-data over earth's map. We assume that you are already running a SPARQL endpoint.

If you do not have a running SPARQL endpoint, we suggest using apache-jena-fuseki, it is a relatively lightweight triplestore, easy to use, and provides a programmatic environment. Once ready, you can run the following command to initiate the triplestore (and the SPARQL endpoint) from fuseki's root directory:

./fuseki-server --file <your_ttl_file> </ServiceName>

For example:

./fuseki-server --file /linked-maps/data/railroads/ca/linked_maps.railroads.ca.ttl /linkedmaps

Now run the flask server:

python ui/main.py -s <sparql_endpoint_path>

For example:

python ui/main.py -s http://localhost:3030/linkedmaps/query

then navigate to http://localhost:5000/


Our data is licensed under CC0. The data files are organized as follows:

└── data
    ├── railroads
    │  ├── ca
    │  │   ├── [1950c|1954c|1958c|1962c|1984c|1988c|2001c].shp/shx/prj/qpj/dbf # shapefiles describing railroad networks from different points in time pertaining to a region in Bray, California
    │  │   └── linked_maps.railroads.ca.ttl # RDF data for railroad networks in Bray, California
    │  └── co
    │      ├── [1942|1950|1957|1965].shp/shx/prj/qpj/dbf # shapefiles describing railroad networks from different points in time pertaining to a region in Louisville, Colorado
    │      └── linked_maps.railroads.co.ttl # RDF data for railroad networks in Louisville, Colorado
    └── wetlands
       ├── ca
       │   ├── [1961|1990|1993|2018].shp/shx/prj/qpj/dbf # shapefiles describing wetland areas from different points in time pertaining to a region in Bieber, California
       │   └── linked_maps.wetlands.ca.ttl # RDF data for wetland areas in Bieber, California
       ├── fl
       │   ├── [1956|1987|2020].shp/shx/prj/qpj/dbf # shapefiles describing wetland areas from different points in time pertaining to a region in Palm Beach, Florida
       │   └── linked_maps.wetlands.fl.ttl # RDF data for wetland areas in Palm Beach, Florida
       └── tx
           ├── [1959|1995|2020].shp/shx/prj/qpj/dbf # shapefiles describing wetland areas from different points in time pertaining to a region in Duncanville, Texas
           └── linked_maps.wetlands.tx.ttl # RDF data for wetland areas in Duncanville, Texas

The resulting knowledge graph (all ttl files combined) is published and available as linked data here (with compliant IRI dereferenciation), along with a designated SPARQL endpoint here.


If you would like to cite this work in a paper or a presentation, the following is recommended (BibTeX entry):

  title={Building Spatio-Temporal Knowledge Graphs from Vectorized Topographic Historical Maps},
  author={Shbita, Basel and Knoblock, Craig A and Duan, Weiwei and Chiang, Yao-Yi and Uhl, Johannes H and Leyk, Stefan},
  journal={Semantic Web},
  publisher={IOS Press},