
pyqt5 GUI for PsychSim. For running simulations, querying, and plotting data.

Primary LanguagePython


Installation and Running instructions:

  1. make sure you have the following repositories cloned

  2. if not already installed, install pip. Instructions can be found here

  3. install pipenv using instructions here

  4. cd to the root directory

    $ cd psychsim-eval-gui

  5. install from the Pipfile

    $ pipenv install

  6. activate the pipenv shell

    $ pipenv shell

  7. edit the paths in config.ini for the cloned repos in step 1 for your local environment

    The gui will add these to the system path

  8. execute the main gui script

    $ python3 PsychSimGui.py

  9. when finished, exit the pipenv

    $ exit