Some tools and resources for you to get started experimenting with audio!
For the Fall 2018 edition of MAS.825: Experiments in Art, Audio, & Augmentation.
All project files for tutorials are in the tutorials folder.
- midi_basic.hpm - sends keystrokes'
values as MIDI notes - midi_scale.hpm - sends keystrokes as MIDI notes along a C major scale, so you can play it like a piano! Mimics Logic's musical typing feature:
= white keyswetyuop
= black keys
- midi_basic.hpm - sends keystrokes'
- OSC:
- osc_basic.hpm - sends keystrokes
as OSC values, in gradations from 0-1, at OSC addressaddr1
- osc_basic_custom_mapping.hpm - does the same thing as keyboard_input_to_osc_basic_1.hpm, but uses a custom KeyCodeToNumValue object for mapping.
- (fader_osc_basic.hpm - sends the fader value on OSC address
- osc_basic.hpm - sends keystrokes
- More complex examples:
- chords_mod_sine.hpm
- Keystrokes send a major 7th chord with the root being the key pressed (mapped to C major scale as in midi_scale.hpm). Generated sines modulate the note indices (passed to MIDI output) as well as the square mix (passed via OSC on
- Keystrokes send a major 7th chord with the root being the key pressed (mapped to C major scale as in midi_scale.hpm). Generated sines modulate the note indices (passed to MIDI output) as well as the square mix (passed via OSC on
- chromatic_gliss_sine.hpm
- Keystrokes send a chromatic gliss, direction and position dependent on generated sines. (Note offs may take a while with this one!)
- chords_mod_sine.hpm
- reaper_project_example.RPP - an example Reaper project, with one synth and one audio track. The audio track's pitch-shifting and the synth's square mix are controlled via OSC by messages received at
- cicadas.mp3 - the audio clip referenced in the project
- reaper_project_example.RPP - an example Reaper project, with one synth and one audio track. The audio track's pitch-shifting and the synth's square mix are controlled via OSC by messages received at