- 1
grunt watch task throws error
#141 opened by johnteakdigital - 9
Project roadmap for version 2
#123 opened by drublic - 0
`src/dist` is a non-optimal folder for the dev build
#139 opened by drublic - 0
- 1
Better docs for Static Page Builder
#118 opened by drublic - 3
problems with an init-project and safari (require.js: fullpage.js, scrollmagic)
#135 opened by grommas - 3
Add HTML to modules folder and parse module html
#129 opened by anselmh - 3
Getting error when I run Grunt
#134 opened by jitendravyas - 1
Try to replace npm `xtend` with `deep-extend`
#132 opened by anselmh - 3
Add tests for Grunt-Tasks
#58 opened by drublic - 2
More specific configuration for pages
#109 opened by stefanjudis - 2
Upgrade console.log / warn via JS
#112 opened by anselmh - 6
New template pages are not being created!
#117 opened by mentorkadriu - 11
issues with karma & phantomjs
#90 opened by puginabox - 5
Can't run sass task
#115 opened by ariona - 2
Add HAML support ?!
#114 opened by mentorkadriu - 2
There is no timestamp for ...
#95 opened by fraincs - 2
Serving files
#110 opened by JJWTimmer - 2
Add default markup in HTML file
#31 opened by drublic - 8
- 2
- 20
A plugin system
#67 opened by drublic - 2
Update tile images with INIT logo
#104 opened by drublic - 3
Concat other files than pages
#87 opened by jheimbach - 8
Use Sindre's load-grunt-tasks
#71 opened by kahlil - 1
Use folders for grunt config file
#88 opened by fraincs - 6
SASS sourcemaps with init
#99 opened by msslovi0 - 1
- 4
Installation fails due to karma peerDependencies
#98 opened by msslovi0 - 1
Removing everything related to testing
#96 opened by harubi - 1
- 4
- 4
Evaluate grunt-newer
#73 opened by kahlil - 1
- 5
Use Sindre's time-grunt
#72 opened by kahlil - 1
Remove `grunt-concurrent`
#63 opened by drublic - 2
#64 opened by Samueldhardy - 3
Support Stylus?
#60 opened by bzamora - 3
Add better docs
#40 opened by drublic - 3
Add note about browser support
#53 opened by alrra - 12
Build a website with docs and stuff
#43 opened by drublic - 2
Add Karma as a test runner
#39 opened by drublic - 1
Issues with clean:deploy task failing
#44 opened by anselmh - 3
- 6
- 1
Describe how the build process works
#32 opened by anselmh - 3
Provide _helpers.scss as Sass extends
#36 opened by anselmh - 1
Rethink Sass Media-Query Style
#35 opened by anselmh - 2
Use jQuery 2.x instead of 1.x?
#33 opened by anselmh - 1
Use Variables in SCSS default files
#30 opened by anselmh