
Script for scanning Wallet.dat and found private key

Primary LanguagePHP


This script allows you to scan hexadecimal code for a wallet.dat and to extract a match if an address is found.

The best method to extract keys is pywallet.py : https://github.com/jackjack-jj/pywallet

This scrpt is only intended for "unrecoverable" wallets.


git clone https://github.com/usefulcat1546/hex-scan-wallet-dat
sudo apt install php nodejs npm -y
npm install


Replace wallet.dat by your wallet.dat

EDIT addresses.txt and replace by your addresses for each lines.

If you use another coin than Bitcoin, Litecoin or Dogecoin update line in scan.js :

var key = new CoinKey(new Buffer(secret, 'hex'), {private: 0x80, public: 0x00})


php scan.php [BTC OR LTC OR DOGE]


If an address is found, a file will be created with your address.json and in it, the private key.

You can also check the console