
PHP package for interacting with the Lagoon Hosting System API.

Primary LanguagePHP

Lagoon PHP SDK

The Lagoon SDK for PHP makes it easy for developers to connect their applications to the Lagoon GraphQL service in PHP Code.

Getting started

Require the package using Composer:

composer require uselagoon/lagoon-php-sdk

Quick Examples

Fetch all projects

See tests/lagoon-php-sdk-test for a working example. This script is tested on GitHub.


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Lagoon\LagoonClient;

// The container exposes port 3000 on the host by default.
$endpoint = "http://localhost:3000/graphql";

// The development container uses this token for everyone.
$token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJpc3MiOiJhcGktZGF0YS13YXRjaGVyLXB1c2hlciIsImF1ZCI6ImFwaS5kZXYiLCJzdWIiOiJhcGktZGF0YS13YXRjaGVyLXB1c2hlciJ9.GiSJpvNXF2Yj9IXVCsp7KrxVp8N2gcp7-6qpyNOakVw";

try {
  $client = new LagoonClient($endpoint, $token);
  $response = $client->project()->all()->execute();

  if ($response->hasErrors()) {
    throw new \Exception("There were errors returned from the GraphQL API: " . implode(PHP_EOL, $response->errors()));
  else {
    $projects = $response->all();
    print "Projects Found: " . count($projects);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
   print "ERROR: " . $e->getMessage();

Fetch all project names


use Lagoon\LagoonClient;

$client = new LagoonClient($endpoint, $token);
$projects = $client->project()->all()->fields(['name'])->execute();

Add a project


use Lagoon\LagoonClient;

$client = new LagoonClient($endpoint, $token);
$project = [
  'name' => $name,
  'gitUrl' => $gitUrl,
  'openshift' => 2,
  'productionEnvironment' => 'master',
  'branches' => 'true',
$response = $client->project()->add($project)->execute();

Developing this Package

This package interacts with the Lagoon Container Hosting System's API.

You need to have a running Lagoon API instance to develop and test against.

This package includes the Lagoon codebase using the require-dev section of composer.json in the /tests folder.

Launch Lagoon API Instance.

Run the following commands to download Lagoon source to the vendor/uselagoon/lagoon folder.

    # Composer install with --dev dependencies.  (default behavior)
    composer install

    # Composer install without --dev dependencies. 
    # Do this to build and release your codebase to production.
    composer install --no-dev

    # Run bin/api-* scripts to start and test the API containers.


The bin/api-test script will launch the containers and wait until the API container is available at https://localhost:3000.

The api-start script is simply a wrapper for the make api-development command inside uselagoon/lagoon. This is the same command used by Lagoon developers to work on the API, so a full development environment is available.

About this Package

This project was originally developed by @steveworley et al in the repo https://github.com/steveworley/lagoon-php-sdk. It is currently being improved upon to be released as officially supported by the Lagoon Team.