
Script for oneindex, aria2, AriaNG and rclone to built remote cloud storage

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


It is a script to set up a Cloud Storage with download manager. Oneindex, aria2, AriaNG and rclone are used.

how to use

wget --no-check-certificate -O Aria2Drive.sh <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uselibrary/Aria2Drive/master/Aria2Drive.sh> && chmod +x Aria2Drive.sh && bash Aria2Drive.sh

To use this script, you need OneDrive account and a server/VPS which runs Debian.

It is better to read https://pa.ci/95.html first.

[Update] Feb 21, 2022 Add telegram bot notice function after the data upload completed. This feature is not enabled by default, please modify the last three lines of the autoupload.sh if needed: remove the # and input your telegram bot TOKEN and CHAT ID. This feature is curl dependent, please make sure curl is installed.




wget --no-check-certificate -O Aria2Drive.sh <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uselibrary/Aria2Drive/master/Aria2Drive.sh> && chmod +x Aria2Drive.sh && bash Aria2Drive.sh

一台具有root权限的运行Debian的服务器/VPS,以及一个OneDrive账号是必要的。 以下外部软件将会被安装(将会自动安装,不必过多关注),以实现离线下载和网盘列表的功能:

  • 基础性软件:vim git curl wget unzip
  • 维持性软件:nginx php-fpm php-curl
  • 功能性软件:aria2 AriaNG Oneindex rclone

Ubuntu and CentOS version scripts are avalible which need to manual run.

[更新] 2022年2月21日 新增了电报提醒功能,在文件完成上传之后,会通过电报机器人推送消息。此功能默认关闭,如果有需要,请修改autoupload.sh的最后三行:删除#,并填写你的电报机器人的TOEKN和CHAT ID。此功能依赖于curl,启用前请确保已经安装了。