- A-ElMahmiDublin
- agarciadomUniversity of York
- AkifAydin
- aleff25
- alkockCapgemini Deutschland GmbH
- angalqBrasil
- antogerva
- antonialoytorrensMallorca (Balearic Islands), Spain
- bryanchance
- bzha988
- Daniel-Ortega-LloretDublin, Ireland
- Daylyt247
- demcgovernInter-State Studio
- einwickler@stoikio
- frohNuremberg / Germany
- george-crossanDublin, Ireland
- h-man2Soltau, Germany
- ichxorya@vnu-frsl @vnu-sme @SEhumantics
- jankkm
- jcabotLuxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
- JCamacho4E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática UMA
- JDCRecomendableThe University of Auckland
- jdmmnn
- johnathan-coeAuckland, NZ
- JoseBueno30
- khaleesicodesHamburg
- kyoshiroBremen, Germany
- l3miage-wicaksop
- mrclschstr
- nalgnaohelVNU University of Engineering and Technology
- robertclarisoUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya
- scimbeHAW Hamburg
- stefanschoon
- taqtiqa-markTAQTIQA LLC
- Vilen-E