

run on master but with isolate-groups disabled:

flutter run --dart-flags=--no-enable-isolate-groups --release lib/main_workers.dart

commit that added isolate groups to allowed dart flags: https://github.com/flutter/engine/commit/c0b75ffd19e4fe6d6adf9b2b0661bda0f33a4fc4

example of setting up Isolate 2-way comms

import 'dart:isolate';

void worker(SendPort parentPort) {
  final requestPort = ReceivePort();
  requestPort.listen((message) {
      // Do something with message from parent

void foo() {
  final isoResponse = ReceivePort();
  SendPort isoRequest;
  Isolate.spawn<SendPort>(worker, isoResponse.sendPort);

  isoResponse.listen((message) {
    if (message is SendPort) {
      isoRequest = message;
    } else {
      // Do something with Isolates message