
Windows and AD Tools for Sysadmins

Primary LanguagePowerShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Windows Utilities

Collection of handy Windows 10 Scripts

Simple AD tool to find stale Workstation objects and do something with them. In this case, mark the description they are old.

Use to remove both an AD PC and an SCCM workstation object if they exist

Scans an OU for Win 10 MDM Compliance -Useful to compare against SCCM results

This script is for filtered results based on a USB being plugged in. This version uses EventID 2003 in Microsoft-Windows-DriverFrameworks-UserMode/Operational. Another method is to enable PNP logging in Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Advanced Audit Policy configuration -> Audit Policies -> Detailed Tracking. The later method you can use EventID 6416 in a Scheduled Task to fire the script. This event will have the DeviceDescription built into the XML. You then can use Get-Volume -FileSystemLabel "LABEL" to get the drive letter more easily.

Example XML for PNP audit route:

  <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
    \Select Path="Security">
        *[System[(EventID=6416)]] and *[EventData[(Data[@Name="DeviceDescription"]="DEVICENAME")]]

Easy way to manage bloatware on Win 10 Home and Professional. Enterprise doesn't need this and can use other Group Policy based solutions.

Console installer for RSAT Tools in case the Add/Remove feature doesn't work in your environment and you don't want to download the exe with an update


If you have a code Signing Certificate installed

Open up the Current User\Personal\Certificates

Get the Thumbprint Value and plug it into the script