
CLI wars parser for EVE ONLINE

Primary LanguagePHP


This is CLI multithreaded wars parser for EVE Online. Based on pthreads extension for php.
At this moment this is standalone app.


  • This tool can parse all wars (at this moment 660692) in 300 threads for 12 minutes
  • Active wars (first you need to populate your db for that of course) in 3 threads for a minute

Special requirements

  • PHP-ZTS =>7.3.2
  • PostgreSQL
  • At least 3 cores and 2g RAM (for 300 threads)
  • PDO PHP Extension



Getting started

Copy and rename .env.example to .env and populate fields with your data.

To store ALL wars to fresh database run command

php app wars:all

Check active wars

php app wars:active

Create table

CREATE TABLE public.wars
    aggressor_id bigint NOT NULL,
    aggressor json NOT NULL,
    allies json,
    declared timestamp(4) without time zone NOT NULL,
    defender_id bigint NOT NULL,
    defender json NOT NULL,
    finished timestamp(4) without time zone,
    war_id bigint NOT NULL,
    mutual boolean NOT NULL,
    open_for_allies boolean,
    started timestamp(4) without time zone NOT NULL,
    last_api_update timestamp(4) without time zone NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT wars_pkey PRIMARY KEY (war_id)

Typical data

 aggressor_id |                           aggressor                            |                           allies                            |      declared       | defender_id |                            defender                            |      finished       | war_id | mutual | open_for_allies |       started       |   last_api_update   
     98036605 | {"corporation_id":98036605,"isk_destroyed":0,"ships_killed":0} | [{"corporation_id":98120136},{"corporation_id":1721412068}] | 2012-07-13 13:45:00 |    98079171 | {"corporation_id":98079171,"isk_destroyed":0,"ships_killed":0} | 2012-07-16 14:37:00 | 221829 | f      | f               | 2012-07-14 13:45:00 | 2020-01-17 07:32:41

aggressor and defender typical json. allies are json array elements

PostgreSQL can query through json objects with ease without any (noticeable) perfomance impact

About json in PostgreSQL


  • implement progress bar
  • autoload for commands
  • dockerize

Bug repots

Please use Github Issues for bug reports.