
Assignment 1

  1. Start an nginx container
  2. Port forward to local and check
  3. check logs
  4. Go inside the container
  5. Stop the containe


docker run -d --name -p 8080:80 nginx nginx:alpine
docker run -d -it --rm --name nginx -p 8080:80 nginx:alpine
docker container logs -f nginx
docker exec -it nginx sh
docker container stop <container-name/id>

Assignment 2

Given that you have instructions to run the go-app ( in pre-requiste )

  1. Try to create a docker image out of it with the base image of golang:alpine
  2. Run a container with that image and do a curl a request and make sure you are able to see the output.
  3. Tag the docker image with v1.
  4. Run docker history, observe and understand the output.
  5. Push the docker image to your dockerhub.


  • use proper names for images, containers.


Dokcerfile v0 (Simple): Dockerfile v1 (multi-stage):

Docker image link:

docker build -t userimack/go-app:v1 .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --name hello-app userimack/go-app:v1

Assignment 3

  1. Create a volumen, call it my_volume
  2. Create container and attach my_volume
  3. Change something in the volume folder
  4. Create a second container mounted with the same volume, check if file exists?


docker volume create my_volume
docker run --rm -v my_volume:/data alpine sh -c 'date > /data/test'
docker run --rm -v my_volume:/data alpine sh -c 'cat /data/test'

Assignment 4

  1. Create docker-compose file for go-application
  2. docker-compose up
  3. Use / endpoint to check the service running
  4. Use /vote endpoint to add vote
  5. docker-compose down


Docker Compose File: