
Telebot is a PHP library for interacting with the Telegram Bot API

Primary LanguagePHP


Telebot is a PHP library for interacting with the Telegram Bot API. It provides methods to perform various actions such as sending messages, photos, videos, documents, etc., and also handling webhooks and getting updates from Telegram.


You can install Telebot via Composer. Run the following command in your terminal:

bashCopy code

composer require usermp/telebot


First, you need to create an instance of the Telebot class by providing your Telegram Bot token:

use Telebot\Telebot;
$telebot = new Telebot($token);

Setting Webhook

You can set up a webhook URL for your bot to receive updates. Use the setWebhook method:

$webhookUrl = 'YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL'; 
$response   = $telebot->setWebhook($webhookUrl);

Sending Messages

You can send messages to a chat using the sendMessage method:

$chatId   = 'CHAT_ID'; 
$text     = 'Hello, world!'; 
$response = $telebot->sendMessage($chatId, $text);

Handling Updates

You can get updates from Telegram using the getUpdates method:

$updates = $telebot->getUpdates();

Other Actions

Telebot provides various methods for different actions such as sending photos, audio, documents, videos, locations, contacts, etc. Refer to the source code or documentation for the complete list of available methods.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or pull requests.