
unocss + tailwind preflight + vueprime

Primary LanguageVue

You're at commit 'second commit'

To see this app run bun run dev to view the app in the browser there is a vueprime button that shows a toast, However there is an issue. After we imported the tailwind reset (preflight) in app.vue, vueprime styles are now not working as they should, i.e compare the button in this commit versus the previous commit.

This project uses unocss + vueprime, the purpose is to have unocss to do any extra styles on pages + any hand-crafted components etc.. Vueprime will be used on other parts of this app with its original styles, to see the app with correct vueprime styles head to the 'first commit' git log --oneline.

Additional note

Vueprime suggests the use of custom ordered css layers, so that their styles don't get overridden by preflights, Here is how they achieve that with tailwindcss primevue csslayer tailwind. Due to my lack of understanding of how css layers work in unocss and specifically for this use-case in a nuxt app, i am not exactly sure how to apply that same concept in unocss, so that the preflight doesn't override vueprime's styles. Help is appreciated.