Few Useful Articles:

  1. https://dzone.com/articles/what-is-devops-the-beginners-guide-from-logzio

  2. https://docs.docker.com/get-started/

  3. https://aws.amazon.com/what-is-cloud-computing/

  4. https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/cloud-computing

  5. https://www.ibm.com/cloud/garage/practices/code/tool_jenkins/

  6. https://guides.github.com/introduction/git-handbook/

  7. what is DevOps?

  8. why do we need DevOps?

  9. Mention the key aspects or principle behind DevOps?

  10. List out some of the popular tools for DevOps?

  11. what is a version control system?

  12. What is Git and explain the difference between Git and SVN?

  13. what language is used in Git?

  14. what is Docker?

  15. what is Docker image?

  16. what is Docker Container?

  17. Can we consider DevOps as Agile methodology?

  18. what are the advantages of using Git?

  19. what is difference between grep -i and grep -v?

  20. what is kernel? 15. what is concept of sudo in linux?

  21. what is a Jenkins Pipeline?

  22. How to stop and restart the Docker container?

  23. What is Scrum?

  24. Explain the difference between git pull and git fetch?

  25. What is the difference between Maven, Ant and Jenkins?

  26. Explain what is continuous integration?

  27. What is the relation between Hudson and Jenkins?

  28. What are the advantages of Jenkins?

  29. Which SCM tools does Jenkins supports?

  30. What is your daily activities in your current role?

  31. What are the challenges you faced in recent times?

  32. What are the build and deployment failures you got and how you resolved those? 28.How you will do the releases?

  33. How you automate the whole build and release process?

  34. What is Continuous Monitoring and why checking is basic in DevOps?

  35. Explain about from Continuous Delivery.

  36. Success factor for the Continuous Integration

  37. What is Configuration Management?

  38. Explain a few prerequisites that are useful for DevOps implementation.

  39. What are the top 10 devops tools that are used in the industry today?

  40. Have you been involved in DevOps implementation in the cloud? If yes which cloud computing platform?

  41. How is DevOps different from Agile? DevOps Vs Agile

  42. Can you brief Roles, Responsibilities, and Skills of a DevOps Engineer

  43. what are Devops Principles?

  44. What is Git?

  45. What is the command to write a commit message in Git?

  46. What language is used in Git?

  47. What is the difference between git pull and git fetch?

  48. What is ‘staging area’ or ‘index’ in Git?

  49. What is the function of ‘git config’?

  50. How can you create a repository in Git?

  51. Can you explain about Branching and Merging in GIT?

  52. what is git stash?

  53. what are the different ways to add/stage files/change to the git repository?

  54. How to get current status of local repository?

  55. What is a Docker?

  56. What are the components of Docker Architecture and explain?

  57. What is Docker Container?

  58. What are Docker Image and Docker Hub?

  59. What are the different functionalities and applications of using Docker?

  60. What is a Docker Registry?

  61. What is the lifecycle of Docker Container?

  62. What are Docker Objects?

  63. What are the important Docker commands?

  64. What’s the benefit of “Dockerizing?”