Trio Challenge - NodeJS Boilerplate

At Trio, we build possibility

📝 Scope

The aim of this project is to serve as a starting point for solving the NodeJS Backend "Bike Rent" Trio challenge.

The system is composed of three entities:

  1. Candidates: These are the individuals who are participating in the challenge (in other words, you!). The API's initial design incorporates multi-tenancy concepts, which means that each candidate is considered an authenticated tenant and can create separate users and bikes.

  2. Users: They are the primary actors in the system and are involved in most practical use cases, such as renting bikes at a price if they're available.

  3. Bikes: These are the system's products that can be rented based on their availability.

This is a TypeScript application that:

  • exposes the following Endpoints

GET /bikes

GET /bikes/available

GET /users

POST /users

POST /candidates

  • connects to a database to retrieve data

🔧 Stack Used

  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • Prisma
  • Jest
  • Supertest

🏃 How to Run the App

Installing the app

Please note that the app was created using the following:

NodeJS >= 16.13.2

MySQL >= 8.0.32

To avoid compatibility issues, make sure the version of the tools you are using are up-to-date.

To install the dependencies of the app, you can run npm install or yarn.

Make sure your MySQL database set up properly with a user and a password. When this is done, make sure you create the .env file based on the .env.example. Your DATABASE_URL should have the format:


After installing the dependencies, setting up the database, and creating the .env file, run npm run db:migrate:dev or yarn db:migrate:dev to run the migrations on your local database.

Running the app locally

To run the app locally, you need to execute the following commands:

  • npm run db:migrate:dev or yarn run db:migrate:dev, if you have changed the databases' schema
  • npm run start-dev or yarn run start-dev

Running the app in production

To run the app in production, you need to execute the following commands:

  • npx prisma migrate deploy
  • npm run build or yarn build
  • npm run start or yarn start

Running the linter

You can check your code for linting errors using the command npm run test-code-style or yarn test-code-style.

To autocorrect your code according to the styleguide, run the command npm run fix-code-style or yarn fix-code-style.

Running the tests

To run all tests, you need to execute npm test or yarn test.

You can also run specific tests with the following commands:

  • npm run test:unit or yarn test:unit runs unit tests, that should be named with the extension .spec.ts
  • npm run test:integration or yarn test:integration runs integration tests, that should be named with the extension .test.ts
  • npm run test:staged or yarn test:staged runs specific tests passed as parameters
  • npm run test:ci or yarn test:ci runs all tests creating the code coverage

🍀 That's it! Good luck!