
Solving the multiple depot vehicle routing problem

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Solving the Multiple Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Intelligent Waterdrops metaheuristic using the Cordeau benchmarks.

Run Instructions

Code originally run with Matlab 2014a, so we do not guarantee it will run on any other version.


  1. Open Matlab 2014a
  2. Change your directory to be the 'code' directory
  3. Open the IWD.m file
  4. Change the following variables in the IWD.m file as you desire:
  • pind -- problem index (1-5; which problem set to run)
  • soilMat = (weighting) * globalSoilMat -- edge length weighting of soil
    • (change "weighting" to any of the following three by uncommenting)
    • log(distMat + 1)
    • distMat
    • exp(distMat)
  1. Run the IWD.m code