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A JavaScript parser for USL.


If you are interested in contributing some code to this project, thanks! - Watch this space :-)

To discuss this project, please use its github issues.

Usage for NodeJS


Loading a USL file is as easy as follows:

  var usl = require('usl-js');

  usl.loadFile('myAPI.usl').then( function(data) {
  }, function(error) {
    console.log('Error parsing: ' + error);

You can alternatively load from a string containing the api definition:

  var usl = require('usl-js');

  var definition = [
    '#%USL 0.1',
    'title: MyApi',

  usl.load(definition).then( function(data) {
  }, function(error) {
    console.log('Error parsing: ' + error);

The shape of the returned object is (unofficially) documented in this Typescript interface.

Abstract Syntax Tree

Generating an AST from a USL file is as easy as follows:

  var usl = require('usl-js');

  var myAPI;
  usl.composeFile('myAPI.usl').then( function(rootNode) {
    console.log('Root Node: ' + rootNode)
  }, function(error) {
    console.log('Error parsing: ' + error);

you can also alternatively generate an AST from a string containing the api definition:

  var usl = require('usl-js');

  var definition = [
    '#%USL 0.1',
    'title: MyApi',

  usl.compose(definition).then( function(rootNode) {
    console.log('Root Node: ' + rootNode)
  }, function(error) {
    console.log('Error parsing: ' + error);

Usage for In-Browser

Using the USL parser from inside the browser requires the user to actually include the USL javascript file in a script tag as follows:

<script src="usl-js.min.js"></script>

from there on the usage is pretty much the same as NodeJS, the script defines a USL.Parser object globally which can be used as follows:

USL.Parser.loadFile('http://localhost:9001/myAPI.usl').then( function(data) {
}, function(error) {
  console.log('Error parsing: ' + error);

Notice that the in-browser version can fetch remote API definitions via XHR.