
This Arduino project involves measuring both AC and DC voltages using the ZMPT101B voltage sensor and an analog pin, respectively. The AC voltage is read from the ZMPT101B sensor connected to pin A0, while the DC voltage is read from an analog pin (A1). The measured values are displayed on a 16x2 LCD screen with I2C communication and printed via Se

Primary LanguageC++

Arduino ZMPT101B Voltage Sensor with LCD Display

This Arduino project measures both AC and DC voltages using the ZMPT101B sensor and displays the readings on a 16x2 LCD screen.

Components Used

  • ZMPT101B Voltage Sensor
  • Arduino Board (e.g., Arduino Uno)
  • 16x2 LCD with I2C Interface
  • Potentiometer for LCD Contrast Adjustment

Libraries Required

Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram

Describe your circuit diagram here, explaining how the ZMPT101B sensor and LCD are connected to the Arduino board.


  1. Install Libraries: Install the ZMPT101B and LiquidCrystal_I2C libraries using the Arduino Library Manager.

  2. Connect Components:

    • Connect the ZMPT101B sensor to analog pin A0 on the Arduino board.
    • Connect the 16x2 LCD to the Arduino via I2C (usually A4 and A5).
  3. Adjust Sensitivity:

    • Use the SENSITIVITY constant in the code to adjust the sensitivity based on your calibration needs.
  4. Upload Code: Upload the provided Arduino sketch (voltage_sensor_lcd.ino) to your Arduino board.

  5. Monitor Output:

    • Open the Serial Monitor to view AC and DC voltage readings.
    • The LCD will display real-time AC and DC voltages.

Code Explanation

  • setup() Function: Initializes serial communication, sets the ZMPT101B sensor sensitivity, and initializes the LCD.

  • loop() Function: Continuously reads AC and DC voltages from the sensor, prints them to the Serial Monitor, and displays them on the LCD.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure the ZMPT101B sensor is rated for the voltage range you are measuring (typically 0-250V AC).
  • Adjust the SENSITIVITY constant based on calibration values obtained from the sensor.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.