
A page for the LinkedDrugs project

Primary LanguageShell


A project page for the LinkedDrugs project. The dataset is available via the SPARQL endpoint at http://linkeddata.finki.ukim.mk/sparql. RDF dumps of the dataset, in Turtle format, are available at https://datahub.io/dataset/linked-drugs.

Version 1.0 of the dataset, with 93.000+ brand-name drugs from 7 countries, and 15+ million RDF triples, is available in the named RDF graph <http://linkeddata.finki.ukim.mk/lod/data/drugs-v1.0#>.

Version 2.1 of the dataset, with 248.000+ brand-name drugs from 23 countries, and 99+ million RDF triples, is available in the named RDF graph <http://linkeddata.finki.ukim.mk/lod/data/drugs#>.



Schema Skeleton for the Data


Source National Drug Registries

Drug Registries used in v1.0
Drug Registries used in v2.1