
Multidimentional data visualization using javascript and Illustrator

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Multidimentional data visualization using javascript and Illustrator

I don't remember why I endded reading this wonderful article about Paralell Coordinates written by Robert Kosara and I wondered if I could manage to render that data using js and Illustrator CSS 3. It turned out that I could ;).

I couldn't use the original data linked in that article because it is organized as an array of objects and I don't know how to work with them yet. Learning to work with an array of objects in js will have to wait because I didn't want to spend to much time to get some results, so I found the data in .csv format here.

It was a very interesting exercise and there are still a lot of things to learn from this. I will try to return to it to try to resolve the problems and make it more automatic, right now changing the numbers of dimensions or the data set will require some modifications and clearly that is not optimal at all.

Inside the ouputIllustrator folder you can see the final results :) I just show here one screenshot using number of cylinders and year as filters to "brush" the data.
