
📲 An app that is built using Flutter and integrating several open source services and uses the POSENET model as its Base Functionality.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


AUR license Made with flutter


In this Repository, We look at how one can build an automated workout instructor. I have built a workout start up called Alice using flutter and the POSENET model as its base functionality that charges 10 US dollars and can be used by you to build a profitable start up. I I have used posenet model on top of Siraj Raval's Code. Download the tensorflow posenet model as a tflite file from here. It has also been included in the assets as well(Multi-person tflite file).

  • Read my Blog post to know more about how to build the app and the theory behind the scenes.


  • Siraj Raval for the video. Healthcare startup
  • Shaqian GitHub for the base App here
  • Smellslikeml for the Yoganet- GitHub here


All of these can be downloaded in a single command, see below.

  • PoseNet Model
  • Tensorflow Lite
  • Stripe
  • RazorPay
  • Flutter Text to Speech


First install Flutter.

After download, from command line run this to install the dependencies

flutter packages get

Then run this command to run the app

flutter run

Alternatively you can open the app as a new flutter project in Android Studio after installing the Flutter plugin.



Note:- This is no way fully complete. This is done, just to show you an idea of how you can get started with flutter and integrate ML models and create a valuable service with it.

How to Improve the app

  • Generative Model for 3D Yoga Pose Generation (Adversarial Network)

  • More interactive dialogue (Dialogflow)

  • More personalization & poses (add more poses, personalize them using recommender system/matrix factorization)

  • Other features for well-being (meditation, diet, other forms of exercise)

  • More analytics (blood pressure, posture, etc.)