
A brief overview of all known hack libraries

A brief overview of all known hack libraries

Please feel free to contribute.


  • hsl - The Hack Standard Library


  • hacktest - Unit-Test runner (replacement for phpunit)
  • hackmock - Mock objects for hacklang
  • fbexpect - A Hack library for writing unit tests expressively
  • zynga hhvm phpunit - HHVM support for the PHP Unit Testing framework

Code analysis / manipulation

  • hhast - Mutable AST library for Hack with linting and code migrations
  • definition finder - Find definitions (classes, functions, etc) in PHP and Hack files
  • hack codegen - Library to programatically generate Hack code and write it to signed files

Database / ORM

  • migrate - Database migration tool for Hack
  • harm - Active record/Table data gateway hybrid for hack strict mode


  • sharesta - Sharesta (Strict HAck RESTful Apis) is a micro framework to build simple and easy to use rest-like applications
  • hack router - Request routing for HackLang
  • heredity - Middleware Dispatcher For Hack
  • zynga-hacklang-framework - This is a collection of libraries that Zynga uses to enable hacklang strict usage.
  • hh clilib - Command Line Interface (CLI) Library for the Hack programming language
  • hackttp - PSR7-like http request/response management
  • Nuxed - Hack framework for building web applications with expressive, elegant syntax.


  • uuid generator - Generate RFC 4122 version 4 uuids
  • hacore - Read json configs in hack strict mode
  • type assert - Hack library for converting untyped data to typed data.
  • hh apidoc - An API documentation generator for Hack files, which start with 'hh'.
  • hcache - Nazg Cache Component For HHVM/Hack
  • publisher - Implementation of Pub/Sub for Hack
  • hhvm-autoload - Autoload classes, functions, enums, constants, and typedefs on HHVM
  • proto-hack - hacklang generator for protobuf
  • fbshipit - Copy commits between repositories - git => git, git => hg, hg => hg, or hg => git
  • difflib - Functions and classes for calculating the differences between two sequences of items.
  • glue - LightWeight Dependency Injection Container For HHVM/Hack
  • Nuxed Asset - The Nuxed Asset component manages URL generation and versioning of web assets such as CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files and image files.
  • Nuxed IO - The Nuxed IO component provides classes that interact with input and output of data on the local filesystem.
  • Nuxed Container - The Nuxed Container is a simple but powerful dependency injection container.
  • Nuxed Event - The Nuxed Event component provides tools that allow your application components to communicate with each other by dispatching events and listening to them.
  • Sweet - Sweet ! a strict typed hack service container and locator.
  • html2text - Convert HTML in plain text format.
  • hhvm-logging - A logger written in hacklang.
  • mutex - Mutex locking for hack projects.