
Annotates shapes of PyTorch Tensors using type annotation in Python3, and provides optional runtime shape validation.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Tensor Type

PyPI version

Annotates shapes of PyTorch Tensors using type annotation in Python3, and provides optional runtime shape validation.

This comes in very handy when debugging complex programs that manipulate huge torch.Tensors where shape (dimensions) vary widely and are hard to track down.

I got tired of writing tons of assert my_tensor.shape == (batch, channels, height, width) over and over, so I made that utility, but then I got tired of copy/pasting it into every new projects from my Gist of it, so here I finally made it a library that I can pip install everywhere.

Getting started

pip3 install tensor_type

tensor_type only works with PyTorch, but that's only because I make the annotation type inherit from torch.Tensor to satisfy static annotations.


from tensor_type import Tensor, Tensor3d, Tensor4d
import torch

# You can use the type in function's signatures

def my_obscure_function(x: Tensor4d) -> Tensor3d:
    return x.sum(dim=3)/x.mean()

t = my_obscure_function(x=torch.rand(3,2,4,2))

# You can check the shape with an explicit assert
assert Tensor3d(t)

# Or you can check it with the .check() method which will produce a nicer error message

# Check specific shape
assert Tensor[3, 2, 4](t)

# This will match no matter the size of the second axis
assert Tensor[3, :, 4](t)

batch = 64
channels = 3
h, w = 256, 512

# You can statically annotate the shape like so
# This WILL NOT be checked at run time, it's just for clarity

my_tensor: Tensor[batch, channels, h, w] = load_images(...)

# You can assert it later like so:
assert Tensor[batch, channels, h, w](my_tensor)

# You can define new "types" like so:
ImageBatch = Tensor[64, 3, :, :]

# And then use the new type
assert ImageBatch(torch.rand(64, 3, 256, 256))
assert ImageBatch(torch.rand(64, 3, 512, 512))
assert not ImageBatch(torch.rand(64, 1, 256, 256))


To install the latest version from Github, run:

git clone git@github.com:sam1902/tensor_type.git tensor_type
cd tensor_type
pip3 install -U .