
This folder demonstration's the folder naming convention of Uppsala Social Robotics Lab.

USR Lab Team Folder Naming Convention

This repos describes the naming convention of Uppsala Social Robotics Lab.

  • Keep folder and file names short.
  • Use a README.txt to describe what is contained in the folder.
  • Use '-' for seperators in the file names and use upper camel case for folder naming (e.g. UpperCamelCase).
  • Do not use illegal web characters '.'()', '/', '&', etc.
  • Do not use spaces in any folder or file name (these appear as an ugly '%20' in the URL).
  • Build no more than 3 levels of Folders.
  • Reference the short version of the URL when sending to others to use ('How To Shorten SharePoint URLs).
  • For sorting by filename, use consistent naming conventionse.g., 2015-01-15 sorts after 2014-11-07.