Document based Question Generation, Question Answering and Auto Answer Evaluation using RAG, LLaMA-2, LangChain, VectorDB, HuggingFace Embeddings

Collab Notebook: DOCUMENT QG-QA LLAMA-2

Project Introduction

The main aim of this project is to create an API that generates questions from documents in any language and provides accurate long form answers in french, making it easier to understand and interact with complex information, ultimately supporting virtual learning.

RAG Architecture

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is an AI framework that enhances the quality of responses generated by an LLM by supplementing its internal representation of information with external sources of knowledge.

In our case, the knowledge is the PDF documents provided, and the output is our question/answer pairs.


Project Workflow


RAG Implementation

Data Preprocessing

The PDFs undergo a set of preprocessing operations to make them usable. Firstly, for each PDF file, we extract the text. Next, this text is divided into smaller segments to facilitate processing. then, we generate vector embeddings to represent the text as vectors comprehensible to the model.

Text Extracting

Here we iterate through the PDFs to extract text using the built in PyPDF2 function from LangChain.

Split into Chunks

To facilitate text processing and to ensure that the LLM goes through all text data, we split text into small chunks using the LanChain Text Splitter.

Vector Embeddings

We used the Embedding Model from HuggingFace sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2 to represent text into vectors.

Vector Store

The vector representations generated in the preprocessing stage are stored in a vector store as contextual data. This allows efficient access to these vectors by the language model. We used the open source local VectorDB FAISS from Meta AI.

Question Generation & Answering

The vectors and contextual data are provided to meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf that analyzes and processes this information to generate raw output.


The raw output then undergoes a post-processing stage. Firstly, the text is filtered to remove unwanted elements using Regex. Then, it is translated into the French language using google-trans open-source translation library.


Finally, the questions and answers are formatted in a JSON format that is parseable, making it easy to parse and integrate into the API.

Evaluation Algorithm:

After several attempts, we managed to develop an optimal algorithm that takes into account the entire context rather than comparing each word individually. This algorithm also relies on LLaMA-2, thus exploiting its ability to capture the meaning of sentences. It integrates three different approaches that use the same model but with different prompts. It is somewhat like a voting system, where each of these approaches assigns a score, and we then calculate the average of these scores to obtain the final result.


The use of cosine similarity at the beginning of the algorithm is used to filter out responses that lack any form of accuracy, for example, when the user says "I don't know" or provides a response devoid of meaning. This filter aims to reduce computations, as it would be unnecessary to engage the scoring algorithm in such cases. The outputs of each evaluation function are then subjected to a regex filter to extract only the score, ignoring the model's comments.

FastAPI Integration

We implemented a FastAPI API to interact with the RAG system, the API has 3 main endpoints:

  • POST /api/storetext:

This endpoint is used to store text and related data in the MongoDB database.

  • GET /categories:

This endpoint retrieves a list of available categories from the MongoDB database.

  • GET /api/getquestions/{category}:

This endpoint retrieves questions (with answers) for a specific category from the MongoDB database. It queries the database for questions and answers related to the specified category.

  • GET /pdfs/{category}:

Retrieves PDF file names and keywords associated with a specific category. It queries the database for PDF file names and keywords related to the specified category and returns them as a JSON response.

  • GET /validate_all:

This endpoint performs the evaluation of user answers for all users and categories. After validation is complete, the data in the answers_collection is deleted for each user and category.