
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Print service control panel

Front-end companion for print-service.






Technologies overview

  • Latest & greatest NodeJS (v16 atm)
  • React with Hooks
  • First-class latest TypeScript support: strong typing system
  • Base Web components library. Advantages:
    • Nice look :)
    • Light/dark theme with hot swapping
    • Actively developing by folks of Uber
    • CSS-in-JS approach – modular structure, no separate style files
    • Convenient features (keyboard navigation, tooltips, accessibility, i18n)
    • Adaptive desktop/mobile design – only minor, mostly layout, adjustments are needed
  • urql GraphQL engine
    • Fits well with the React hooks paradigma
    • Built-in smart cache (can be easily further improved by enabling already shipped normalized caching mechanism)
    • File uploads (multipart spec)
    • Support GraphQL extensions convention
    • Works well with errors
  • Single-page progressive web app (SPA PWA): installable as a regular application
  • Client-side routing by react-router with a centralized routing config
  • Breadcrumbs (including dynamic) by use-react-router-breadcrumbs
  • Page title (including dynamic) by react-router-title
  • Luxon instead of Moment.js – modern dates managing package
  • Testing-ready configuration (via Jest)
  • Smart linter provided by create-react-app
  • Docker/Kubernetes-enabled solution
    • Small resulting image size – approx. 27 Mb including Nginx static server

Some software strategies

  • Fetch API for REST requests
  • Lodash library for neat yet expressive code (where it is applicable)
  • Session storage for search filters
  • Same auto-generated GraphQL schema definitions as on server
  • Generic form/dialog widgets (HOC) suitable for typical data models

Useful commands

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. See its docs for possible actions/documentation.


Development mode:

$ REACT_APP_API_URL= npm run start

In production, intended to be supplied with Docker-Nginx + Kubernetes. See Dockerfile, k8s configs.


See in-place TODOs to get a look on what can be improved in the future.