Ruby wrapper for API. Documentation.
VK-RUBY gives you full access to all API features:
- Has several types of methods naming and methods calling
- Parallel method calling
- All authorization methods
- File uploading
- Any faraday features
- IRB integration
To get started, you need to register with own application and get the keys and read VK API documentation.
gem install vk-ruby
VK-RUBY has many configuration parameters, they are passed in when creating the application. Complete list, see the configuration section.
app = 1, version: '5.26', access_token: '[TOKEN]')
app.friends.getOnline uid: 1 # => Online friends
app.friends.get_online uid: 1 # => Online friends
app.vk_call 'friends.getOnline', {uid: 1} # => Online friends
The parameters passed to the method call, have a higher priority than the configuration settings. In this example, API version upon request will be equal to 5.1. '5.0').get_online(uid: 1, v: '5.1') # HTTP request with v=5.1 param
VK-RUBY also supports parallel execution of requests. More information about parallel requests.
require 'typhoeus'
require 'typhoeus/adapters/faraday'
app.adapter = :typhoeus
manager = 10) # (200 is default)
uids = { 1 => {}, 2 => {}, 3 => {}}
app.in_parallel(manager) do
uids.each do |uid,_|
app.users.get(user_ids: uid).each do |user|
uids[user["id"]] = user
puts uids
#=> {
# 1 => {"id"=>1, "first_name"=>"Павел", "last_name"=>"Дуров"},
# 2 => {"id"=>2, "first_name"=>"Александра", "last_name"=>"Владимирова", "hidden"=>1},
# 3 => {"id"=>3, "first_name"=>"DELETED", "last_name"=>"", "deactivated"=>"deleted"}
Uploading files to vk servers performed in 3 steps:
- Getting url to upload the file.
- File upload.
- Save the file.
The first and third steps are produced by calls to certain API methods as described above. Details downloading files, see the relevant section of the documentation.
When you call the upload also need to specify the mime type file.
file1: ['/path/to/file1.jpg', 'image/jpeg'],
file2: ['/path/to/file2.png'), 'image/png', '/path/to/file2.png']
['/path/to/file1.jpg', 'image/jpeg'],
['/path/to/file2.png'), 'image/png', '/path/to/file2.png']
VK has several types of applications and several types of authorization. They are different ways of authorization and access rights, more details refer to the documentation.
Site authorization process consists of 4 steps:
- Opening the browser to authenticate the user on the VK
- Permit the user to access their data
- Transfer site value code for the access key
- Preparation of the application server access key
to access the VK API
For the first step you need to generate correct URL
type: :site,
app_id: 123,
settings: 'friends,audio',
version: '5.26',
redirect_uri: ''
#=> ",audio&redirect_uri="
Once user permit the to access their data, on specified :redirect_url
come GET request with code
parameter, which is used to obtain an access_token
app.site_auth(code: request_params[:code]) #=> { "access_token" : '[TOKEN]', "expires_in" : "100500"}
To access the administrative methods API, which does not require user authentication, you need to get a special access_token
. To obtain the key required when creating an application to specify the correct :app_id
and :app_secret
to the method server_auth
app.server_auth(app_id: '[APP_ID]', app_secret: '[SECRET]') #=> { "access_token" : '[TOKEN]' }
type: :client,
app_id: 123,
settings: 'friends,audio',
version: '5.26',
redirect_uri: '',
display: :mobile
# => ""
VK-RUBY has a large number of configuration attributes. You can pass them when you create the application, and the method call.
# global config
VK.configure do |config|
config.app_id = 1
end #=> 1 2).app_id #=> 2
app = do |a|
a.app_id = 3
app.app_id #=> 3
In this example, the configuration is only one key, so it does not look difficult.
Below are all the configuration keys for VK-RUBY.
Name | Description | Default |
:app_id | Application ID | nil |
:app_secret | Application secret | nil |
:version | API version | '5.26' |
:redirect_uri | Application redirect URL | nil |
:settings | Application settings | 'notify,friends,offline' |
:access_token | Access token | nil |
:verb | HTTP verb | :post |
:host | API host | |
:timeout | Request timeout | 10 |
:open_timeout | Open connection timeout | 3 |
:parallel_manager | Parallel request manager | nil |
:proxy | Proxy settings | nil see proxy configuration section |
:ssl | SSL settings | see ssl configuration section |
:middlewares | Faraday middlewares stack | see middlewares section |
Name | Default |
:verify | true |
:verify_mode | OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE |
:ca_file | nil |
:ca_path | nil |
:cert_store | nil |
:client_cert | nil |
:client_key | nil |
:certificate | nil |
:private_key | nil |
:verify_depth | nil |
:version | nil |
More information on configuring ssl documentation faraday
Name | Default |
:uri | nil |
:user | nil |
:password | nil |
VK-RUBY based on faraday.
It is an HTTP client lib that provides a common interface over many adapters (such as Net::HTTP
) and embraces the concept of Rack middleware when processing the request/response
This stack consists of standard :multipart
, :json
middlewares, details of which are looking at here.
Are also used:
throws an exception if the HTTP status header is different from the 200:api_errors
throws an exception if the server response contains the API error
And here is set on the default HTTP adapter (Net::HTTP
app.middlewares = proc do |faraday|
faraday.request :multipart
faraday.request :url_encoded
faraday.response :api_errors
faraday.response :json, content_type: /\bjson$/
faraday.response :http_errors
faraday.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
app.middlewares = proc do |faraday|
faraday.request :multipart
faraday.request :url_encoded
faraday.request :retry, max: 5,
interval: 0.3,
interval_randomness: 0.5,
backoff_factor: 2,
exceptions: [VK::APIError,
retry_if: lambda { |env, exception| true }
faraday.response :api_errors
faraday.response :json, content_type: /\bjson$/
faraday.response :http_errors
faraday.response :vk_logger, logger:'/path/to/file.log')
faraday.adapter :net_http_persistent
In this example, additional used :retry middleware. It allows you to conveniently handle certain exceptions specified number of times with a certain interval – very convenient ;-) Also defined here is not the default HTTP adapter (Net::HTTP::Persistent).
Read more middleware usage.
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
- Fork the project
- Start a feature/bugfix branch
- Install dependencies
- Install overcommit
overcommit --install
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
Copyright (c) 2016 Andrew Zinenko. See LICENSE.txt for further details.