
USTC Principles and Techniques of Compiler 2023 homepage

USTC Principles and Techniques of Compiler 2023 course homepage

Homepage link: https://ustc-compiler-principles.github.io/2023

This README is a toturial of how to write and preview the docs.


First install dependencies and init:

# It's recommended to install in a virtual environment.
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then make your modifications. You can preview your changes by running:

# In python environment
mkdocs serve


In order to keep the doc style consistent, we use Prettier and AutoCorrect.

# you need Node.js installed first
npm install # then install Prettier and AutoCorrect

See Prettier Doc: Editor Integration and AutoCorrect: VS Code Extension for editor intergration.

You should format markdown files before commit:

# see .prettierignore for ignoring certain files or folders
npm run test    # to see if there is a format error
npm run format  # to format all files under docs/

File Structure

mkdocs.yml is the configuration file. When you want to add a new page, you need to add it to nav in mkdocs.yml.

docs/ is the directory of all Markdown files. You can create subdirectories to organize your files.


Read https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/admonitions/ for more details.


All texts are All Rights Reserved by default.