
Docker images used by ustcmirror :rocket:

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These images are designed for mirroring remote directories/repositories in a consistent and portable way. They are used by ustcmirror (yuki).

Quick Start

docker run --rm \
    -e LOG_ROTATE_CYCLE='5' \
    -e RSYNC_HOST='rsync.alpinelinux.org' \
    -e RSYNC_PATH='alpine/' \
    -e RSYNC_MAXDELETE='10000' \
    -v /var/repos/alpine:/data \
    -v /var/sync-logs/alpine:/log \



  • /data: The mount point of the repository on the host. You can refer to it as environment variable TO in your program.
  • /log: The mount point of the host directory that save logs. You can refer to it as environment variable LOG in your program.

Common Configuration Parameters(AKA environment variables)

Parameter Description
DEBUG Set this to true to enable debugging.
BIND_ADDRESS Set the local ip to be bound. Require --network=host. (Some programs don't support this parameter)
OWNER Set the uid and gid of the process so that the downloaded files wont get messed up. Defaults to 0:0 (aka root:root).
LOG_ROTATE_CYCLE Specify how many cycle versions of the logfile to be saved. Set this to 0 will disable rotation. Defaults to 0.
REPO Name of the repository. Required in archvsync.
RETRY Times to re-sync if the process exits abnormally. Defaults to 0.


aptsync aptsync

Parameter Description
APTSYNC_URL Sets the url of upstream.
APTSYNC_NTHREADS Defaults to 20.
APTSYNC_UNLINK Set this to 1 to remove unneeded files automatically. Defaults to 0.
APTSYNC_CREATE_DIR Set this to true to create same directory tree as upstream URL. Defaults to true.
APTSYNC_DISTS Various distros can be specified in the format <release> [...]|<componenet> [...]|<arch> [...][:...].

Notes: The following mirror.list:

deb-i386 https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo debian-jessie main
deb-amd64 https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo debian-jessie main
deb-armhf https://apt.dockerproject.org/repo raspbian-jessie main testing

is equivalent to the following parameters:

APTSYNC_DISTS='debian-jessie|main|i386 amd64:raspbian-jessie|main testing|armhf'


apt-sync apt-sync

Parameter Description
APTSYNC_URL Sets the url of upstream.
APTSYNC_UNLINK Set this to 1 to remove unneeded files automatically. Defaults to 0.
APTSYNC_DISTS Various distros can be specified in the format <release> [...]|<componenet> [...]|<arch> [...]|<download_dir> [...][:...].

It is almost the same as aptsync. Except that APTSYNC_DISTS accepts 4 parameters (rather than 3) for every item.

Consider use apt-sync when the upstream replaces packages in-place, as aptsync will simply ignore if there're any changes in existed packages.


archvsync archvsync

A.K.A. ftpsync

archvsync respects the env vars used in ftpsync

Parameter Description
IGNORE_LOCK Purge lockfiles at first. Defaults to false.


crates-io-index crates-io-index

A dedicated script to sync https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index.

Parameter Description
CRATES_PROXY The URL that crates will be redirected to. Defaults to https://crates-io.proxy.ustclug.org/api/v1/crates
CRATES_GITMSG The commit message of config.json. Defaults to Redirect to USTC Mirrors
CRATES_GITMAIL user.email when committing config.json. Defaults to lug AT ustc.edu.cn
CRATES_GITNAME user.name when committing config.json. Defaults to mirror


debian-cd debian-cd

debian-cd accepts the same parameters specified in debian-cd-mirror.conf

Parameter Description
IGNORE_LOCK Purge lockfiles at first. Defaults to false.


docker-ce docker-ce

docker-ce accepts following parameters:

Parameter Description
SYNC_WORKERS Download workers. Defaults to 1.
SYNC_USER_AGENT The user agent of docker-ce syncing program. Defaults to Docker-ce Syncing Tool/1.0.
SYNC_EXTRA Extra parameters. --fast-skip can be set to skip size & timestamp check.


fedora fedora


See dist conf for parameters meaning.

Parameter Description
MODULE fedora module to be mirrored, e.g. fedora-enchilada,fedora-epel
FILTEREXP A regular expression used to filter the file lists. It must be quoted (or very carefully escaped)
VERBOSE log level(0-8), default is 7
CHECKIN_SITE see in mirrormanager
CHECKIN_PASSWORD see in mirrormanager
CHECKIN_HOST see in mirrormanager

Note: This image is not in use now, as quick-fedora-mirror has some mysterious bugs when being used.


freebsd-pkg freebsd-pkg

Parameter Description
FBSD_PKG_UPSTREAM Set the URL of upstream. Defaults to http://pkg.freebsd.org.
FBSD_PKG_JOBS Defaults to 1.
FBSD_PKG_EXCLUDE Exclude ABI by regular expression. Defaults to ^FreeBSD:[89]:.


freebsd-ports freebsd-ports

Notice: BIND_ADDRESS is only added for curl in freebsd-ports. Make sure that github.com is accessible under default network settings.

Parameter Description
FBSD_PORTS_INDEX_UPSTREAM Set the URL of upstream git index. Defaults to https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-ports.git.
FBSD_PORTS_DISTFILES_UPSTREAM Set the URL of upstream distfiles. Defaults to http://distcache.freebsd.org/ports-distfiles.
FBSD_PORTS_JOBS Defaults to 1.


ghcup ghcup

ghcup does not have outstanding configuration options.


github-release github-release

Parameter Description
UPSTREAM_URL GitHub API base URL. Defaults to https://api.github.com/repos/.
WORKERS Number of concurrent downloading jobs. Defaults to 8.
FAST_SKIP Not verify size and timestamp of existing files. Set it to any true string to enable the skipping.
REPOS YAML-format repo list config. See below for details.

To specified the repo list to sync, you can:

  • Read-only bind mount a YAML file into the container at /repos.yaml. See the example.
  • Pass the YAML-format repo list string as REPOS env.


gitsync gitsync

Parameter Description
GITSYNC_URL Sets the url of upstream.
GITSYNC_BRANCH Defaults to master:master.
GITSYNC_REMOTE Defaults to origin.
GITSYNC_BITMAP Enable bitmap index. Defaults to false.
GITSYNC_MIRROR A shortcut to sync all branches and tags as if GITSYNC_BRANCH='+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*'. GITSYNC_BRANCH is ignored when it is set.
GITSYNC_CHECKOUT Checkout instead of bare cloning. Defaults to false.
GITSYNC_TREELESS Use treeless clone to save disk space. Defaults to false.
GITSYNC_GEOMETRIC Use geometric repacking to speed up repacking. Requires GITSYNC_BITMAP. Defaults to false.


google-repo google-repo

A script for syncing projects (especially AOSP) using Google's repo tool.

Parameter Description
UPSTREAM Upstream URL. Defaults to https://android.googlesource.com/mirror/manifest
GEOMETRIC_REPACK Use geometric repacking to speed up repacking (requires git >= 2.34 on server). See GitHub Blog: Scaling monorepo maintenance. Defaults to false.


gsutil-rsync gsutil-rsync

Parameter Description
GS_URL Sets the url of upstream. e.g. gs://golang/.
GS_EXCLUDE Files to be excluded. Defaults to empty.


hackage hackage

Parameter Description
HACKAGE_BASE_URL Set the URL of upstream. Defaults to https://hackage.haskell.org


homebrew-bottles homebrew-bottles

Parameter Description
HOMEBREW_BOTTLES_JOBS Parallel jobs. Defaults to 1


julia-storage julia-storage

A new solution to sync Julia general registry (using StorageMirrorServer.jl). No parameters needed.


lftpsync lftpsync

Parameter Description
LFTPSYNC_HOST The hostname of the remote server.
LFTPSYNC_PATH The destination path on the remote server.
LFTPSYNC_EXCLUDE Files to be excluded. Defaults to -X .~tmp~/.
LFTPSYNC_MIRROR_ARGS Parameters for mirror command. Defaults to --verbose --use-cache -aec
LFTPSYNC_EXTRA_COMMANDS Extra commands for lftp (ie. set sftp:connect-program "ssh -axi <keyfile>";). Will be executed before opening connection


misc misc

Parameter Description
DOWNLOAD_LINKS Files to be downloaded by wget. Format is filename.sh http://example.com/filename.sh seperates by newlines

Download seperate, small files inconvenient for other sync containers.


brew-install.sh https://github.com/Homebrew/install/raw/HEAD/install.sh
rustup-install.sh https://sh.rustup.rs/


nix-channels nix-channels

Parameter Description
NIX_MIRROR_UPSTREAM Main page of Nix channels. No trailing slash. Defaults to https://nixos.org/channels
NIX_MIRROR_BASE_URL The root URL this mirror will be served at. No trailing slash. Defaults to https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/nix-channels
NIX_MIRROR_PATH_BATCH Number of paths to pass to nix each time, to avoid E2BIG. Defaults to 8192, which is about 1/4 of the 2M ARG_MAX.
NIX_MIRROR_THREADS Number of threads to use to download in parallel. Defaults to 10
NIX_MIRROR_RETAIN_DAYS Days to consider old versions as reachable. Defaults to 30. (The newest version of a release is always reachable)
NIX_MIRROR_DELETE_OLD Whether to actually delete files in garbage collection. Set to 1 to delete and 0 to not delete. Defaults to 1
NIX_MIRROR_RELEASES_ONLY Don't download binary blobs. Defaults to 0 (false)


pypi pypi

Parameter Description


rclone rclone

Parameter Description
RCLONE_PATH The destination path. Note that the rclone remote has been hard-coded as remote.
RCLONE_EXTRA Extra options passed to rclone sync. Defaults to empty.
RCLONE_CHECKERS Set the number of checkers. Defaults to $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN).
RCLONE_TRANSFERS Set the number of file transfers. Defaults to $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN).
RCLONE_CONFIG_REMOTE_* Set config file options.



rsync rsync

Parameter Description
RSYNC_HOST The hostname of the remote server.
RSYNC_USER (Optional) No defaults.
RSYNC_PASSWORD (Optional) No defaults.
RSYNC_PATH The destination path on the remote server.
RSYNC_BW Bandwidth limit. Defaults to 0.
RSYNC_EXTRA Extra options. Defaults to empty.
RSYNC_EXCLUDE Files to be excluded. Defaults to --exclude .~tmp~/.
RSYNC_BLKSIZE Defaults to 8192.
RSYNC_TIMEOUT Defaults to 14400.
RSYNC_SPARSE Defaults to true.
RSYNC_DELAY_UPDATES Defaults to true.
RSYNC_DELETE_DELAY Defaults to true. Use --delete-delay rather than --delete
RSYNC_MAXDELETE Maximum number of files that can be removed. Defaults to 4000.
RSYNC_RSH Specify the remote shell, e.g. ssh -i /path/to/key.


rubygems rubygems

Parameter Description
UPSTREAM Defaults to http://rubygems.org.


stackage stackage

Stackage doesn't need to specify upstream.


tsumugu tsumugu

An alternative HTTP(S) syncing tool, replacing rclone and lftp in some cases. See usage.

Parameter Description
UPSTREAM Sets the url of upstream.
TSUMUGU_MAXDELETE Maximum number of files that can be removed. Defaults to 1000.
TSUMUGU_TIMEZONEFILE The file URL for guessing remote server timezone.
TSUMUGU_EXCLUDE Files to be excluded. Value example: "--exclude '^temp'"
TSUMUGU_USERAGENT The user agent of tsumugu syncing program. Defaults to Tsumugu Syncing Tool/$(tsumugu_version).
TSUMUGU_PARSER HTML parser used to parse index page. Defaults to nginx.
TSUMUGU_THREADS Number of threads to use to download in parallel. Defaults to 2.
TSUMUGU_EXTRA Extra options. Defaults to empty.


winget-source winget-source

A handy tool to sync pre-indexed Windows Package Manager (aka. WinGet) sources.

Parameter Description
WINGET_REPO_URL Sets the URL of upstream. Defaults to https://cdn.winget.microsoft.com/cache
WINGET_REPO_JOBS Parallel jobs. Defaults to 8.


yukina yukina

yukina analyses given nginx log, and maintains binary blobs (which does not modify once exist) state under given size limit. Usually this shall be used with another sync container that only downloads index files.

Note that you shall bind necessary nginx log to /nginx-log/ when syncing.

Parameter Description
UPSTREAM Sets the url of upstream.
YUKINA_SIZE_LIMIT The size limit of binary blobs. Defaults to 512g.
YUKINA_FILTER Accepts regex to filter out binary blobs. Defaults to empty.
YUKINA_EXTRA Extra options. Defaults to empty.


yum-sync yum-sync

Parameter Description
YUMSYNC_URL Sets the url of upstream.
YUMSYNC_DISTS Various distros can be specified in the format <release> [...]|<component> [...]|<arch> [...]|<reponame>|<download_dir> [:...].
YUMSYNC_DOWNLOAD_REPODATA Whether to download repodata files instead of generating them by createrepo

yum-sync tries to imitate the parameters of aptsync, and it supports the following substitution rule for YUMSYNC_URL and <reponame> & <download_dir> in YUMSYNC_DISTS:

  • @{arch}: Architecture (x86_64, armhf, ...)
  • @{os_ver}: OS version (6-8, ...)
  • @{comp}: The <component> in YUMSYNC_DISTS

yum-sync.py is modified to get the same directory structure as upstream when syncing. And <reponame> should be named the same as the directory containing repodata dir.


The following repo configuration:


translates to:


And the following:

name=MySQL 8.0 Community Server

name=MySQL 5.7 Community Server

translates to:



Specially, contents of folder apt-sync, yum-sync, github-release, docker-ce and the generated container image from them are under GPLv3 license, as it uses code from https://github.com/tuna/tunasync-scripts.

Other contents are under MIT license.
